U.S. air force again launched into space top-secret drone

The US Air Force again launched a top-secret drone into spaceA photo from open sources

The American company “SpaceX” once again brought to the earth orbit top-secret military laboratory “Boeing X-37”. The experimental unmanned vehicle was delivered into space reusable launch vehicle “Falcon 9”, safely landing after that.

The true purpose of the innovative US Air Force Orbital Aircraft is a secret behind seven seals. Space ship is shrouded a veil of rumors, constantly fueled by lovers of theories conspiracies. Some conspiracy theorists suggest that the “Boeing X-37” Designed to spy on other countries. Others believe that drone is used to search for extraterrestrial life forms. According to thirdly, we are talking about experimental weapons.

There are those who, relying on supposedly leaked data, claim that the X-37B is launched in order to eliminate the source of three hurricanes approaching the United States, the most powerful of which is a terrible IRMA.

Some American experts believe that all of these hurricanes, in including the previous Harvey, caused by climate weapons, since they appeared as if “from nowhere” and all are aimed at United States. And although most scientists are confident that climate weapons do not yet exist in our world, supporters conspiracy theories believe Air Force Space Command has spotted a mysterious object near the Earth, and NASA employees identified the pier even that it was he who created the hurricanes dangerous to America.

It is not yet clear who launched this strange object and whether it is terrestrial. origin, however, the X-37B went into space with a thermonuclear charge of great power to destroy the mysterious “creator hurricanes. “True, this is only a version, and nothing more. At least least, let’s wait, how events will develop, will they stop hurricanes moving on the US their destructive gait after this American space mission.

A photo from open sources

Note that the Boeing X-37 flew into space four times: in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2015. The last time a plane equipped solar panels and lithium-ion batteries installed the record, having been in Earth orbit for 718 days. What is he all this I studied time there, only the American military knows and, perhaps, SpaceX leadership led by eccentric billionaire Ilon Masked off. But they are silent or give the journalists some fragmentary and meaningless information …

Climatic Weapons US Airplanes

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