US Secret Space Projects Funded from the black budget

US Secret Space Projects funded fromA photo from open sources

Conspiracy theorists posted a sensational message on the Internet (watch video) that in the United States secret space projects that are funded from the black budget. Then there are multi-billion dollar amounts allocated for these tasks taxpayers have no idea even though these money is still withdrawn from their pockets.

Moreover, according to the researchers, the amount and activity a “backstage budget” not even controlled by the US Congress, with the middle of the last century grew exponentially, reaching currently fantastic indicators that can terrify the Americans (unfortunately, the exact numbers are not given, because, as the conspiracy theorists themselves say, “nobody knows them”).

Opinion on the former Lockheed Skunk Works director (1975-1991) Ben Rich:

Any space program, in principle, seeks to secrecy, as it automatically adds to her at least 10-15 percent of the additional financing required for the construction of secret buildings, the maintenance of enhanced security, adherence to safe logistics and so on. Our team of 50 people (engineers, designers, professional workers, etc.) engaged in the creation of ultramodern aircraft and implementation of secret space missions. In the “black projects” technologies such as interstellar travel were developed, which today are real and just hide behind “toys” NASA programs. Some projects are so secret that about them even senior military officials don’t know, not like the government United States or congressmen. For example, I am one hundred percent I’m sure that few people know that the US has Solar Warden – secret space fleet “Solar ranger” which acts under the guise of the naval forces of the country, although they really commands the NNSOC.

According to conspiracy theorists, in the United States even within “shadow projects” have their own gradation of secrecy, which means reporting on results and costs from the “backstage budget. By as secrecy is enhanced, they are distributed as follows:

  • the simplest special SAP access program;
  • special (unconfirmed by any official sources) USAP access program;
  • the most secret, so-called, program “Waived SAPS”.

No wonder that sometimes Americans are surprised to see how “flying saucers” in tarpaulins are transported to US roads have no idea what is being done on secret military bases like Zone 51 or Edwards, and media reporters never do not address these prohibited topics …


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