Version: Still exploded over Chelyabinsk hypersonic rocket, not a meteorite

A photo from open sources

The journalist doubts that the disaster in the Urals on February 15 was a natural phenomenon


Chelyabinsk meteorite? Not! Russian hypersonic exploded a rocket whose prototype tests then went abnormally. Such sensationally stunned recently “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”. Although there was no first one. Immediately after the explosion over Chelyabinsk, the famous publicist Julia Latynina spoke in Novaya Gazeta with material entitled “A” what side number did the meteorite have? ”

He also warmed up the conspiracy theological version by Vladimir Zhirinovsky. And he assured that the Ural phenomenon was a test new weapons. But not ours, but American.

And two months later, when the passions seemed to subside and collected pieces of heavenly stone were examined by scientists, for some reason, the rocket version surfaced again. True, she sets out journalist Viktor Myasnikov. Push. Not a single opinion specialist. At least a retired military man.

A photo from open sources

This is how, according to the journalist, the events developed on case: “At dawn on February 15, a strategic missile carrier Tu-160 with a ballistic missile on the suspension, which instead of the third stage and warhead, it carried a prototype hypersonic rockets. Having gained a height of 20 km and a speed of over 2 thousand km / h, the plane launched a launch vehicle. She went beyond the atmosphere. Here the last stage separated with the prototype load. Accelerated in space vacuum, hypersonic rocket in a few minutes was supposed to fall in the region of the White Sea … When the rocket trajectory passed over a populated area, she suddenly went on decline. At an altitude of 92 km, it entered the atmosphere and then flew, leaving an inversion trace, along a very sloping path almost parallel to the surface of the earth. This is a typical entry and movement angle. for objects from near-Earth orbit, for example, spent their satellites.

… an explosion accompanied by a powerful shock wave and unusually the bright puffs of fire typical of high-calorie fuel don’t completely destroyed the rocket … Already on February 16 they officially announced that no fragments were found, the search was terminated. It could mean only one thing: the FSB found what it was looking for. Namely, the remains rockets. ”


For clarification, I turned to experts – specialists in celestial objects and unusual phenomena. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences Boris Shustov advised against read “all sorts of utter nonsense.” No less categorical in his the evaluation was also the deputy chairman of the meteorites committee of the RAS, Head of the Laboratory of Cosmochemistry and Meteorics, Institute of Geochemistry and analytical chemistry (GEOCHI) RAS Mikhail Nazarov:

– It can not be. We collected a lot of material on site fall, and no traces of the impact of the rocket were found there.

A photo from open sources


Instead of scientific facts – “space fairy tales”?

Military observer “KP” Viktor Baranets asked comment on the riddle of the doctor of military-technical sciences, Deputy General Director of Research Defense Ministry Institute for Reflection space threats, Andrei Kalmykov.

– Andrei Mikhailovich, and how do you like the version about the explosion hypersonic missiles near Chelyabinsk?

– This is not a version or a hypothesis, it is an illiterate fairy tale. I I see absolutely no reason to discuss this moore. For used to work with real materials, specific facts and figures, and not with speculation and fantasy.

“But the author of the material analyzes the facts.” We are the video really saw a snow-white inversion trail, which is claimed to be characteristic of rockets and rockets planes, not for meteorites …

– Tell me, when a giant lump melts from strong heating ice, is black smoke coming out of it, or is it still steam?

– But the steam quickly dissipates, but here it was steady white tail …

– A meteorite is a conglomerate of various space materials, and when entering dense layers of the atmosphere they behave differently. There is a complex chemical composition of substances. Also you need to know basic things: a hypersonic rocket of such giant “inversion trace” does not leave. And if she crashed, then after such an explosion the place of its fall would be found through hour! But these stories about the Tu-160, allegedly carrying under the belly “ballistic missile” with a hypersonic device as third level – even Baron Munchausen isn’t up to such a bike I would have thought! We must at least occasionally read the magazine “Young Technician”! There hypersonic missile launch system long ago in colors and paints painted.

And how can one seriously discuss this – “fragments fell at different angles “? The author of this” version “what, saw them? Measured angles? Yes, if the fragments were, then why should they fall to the ground at one angle? Where is the logic? Why make people laugh?


Academician of RAS, Head of Planet Research Department cosmochemistry of the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry RAS, doctor Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Marov:

– If it were a rocket, then I would definitely know about it. At we have reliable data that it was a meteorite. Only a week ago I held a large seminar at the State Astronomical Sternberg Institute. All the experts were present there, who have professional knowledge of meteorites. Is our the conclusion is clear: it was more or less ordinary astronomical phenomenon. However, in terms of the extent of its destruction, since this happened in a densely populated area, it has no equal. it confirmed by measurements by American experts from NASA

Senior Researcher, Zvenigorod Observatory Nail Bakhtigaraev:

– About a rocket – it’s a duck, of course. Invented by her lovers. Professionals will not say that. Meteorite speed in times the speed of the fastest missiles. – The authors of the “sensation” blame, for example, scientists that the fragments allegedly fell under different angles, including in the opposite direction, which in the case of in principle, there cannot be a meteorite. This is true? – No, when the speed the meteorite has already fallen, its destruction, explosion occurred. And the shards showered in all directions. And they were of different shapes, therefore, they could plan and change direction in the atmosphere.

Head of Space Astrometry Department, Institute of Astronomy RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Lydia Rykhlova:

– Already more than 500 kg of meteorite material was found only by those who traveled to the Urals on an expedition. There were scientists from the committee on meteorites, and from our institute. Not to mention how much gathered people. My colleagues walked around the villages, and even 130 km from Chelyabinsk residents showed them fragments of a chicken egg. Moreover, A NASA representative, a specialist in meteorites. No one has any doubt that the meteorite fell.

In addition, several pieces of the meteorite in the committee have already been cut. on meteorites of the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry (GEOCHI) RAS and established what they consist of. It turned out to be ordinary chondritis. Ordinary – not because it is often found, but because that they are completely standard in structure. A very long time and good studied.

A photo from open sources


Julia Latynina: “I generally need to be silent in a rag ”

– I generally need to be silent in a rag. In the morning, when I was not yet the extent of the damage was clear, but it was clear that something like that had fallen … I looked: not a fig yourself, this thing flew along the trajectory from one landfill in another! Instead of holding on to this thought, I hastened to acquaint readers of the Novaya Gazeta with it. Naturally, this is absolute nonsense … (An apology for the “Board number …” sounded on the air of Echo of Moscow.)

NASA Missiles Aircraft Chelyabinsk

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