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A few years ago to the question of how the Solar system, any average person would answer, wake him even in the middle of the night. A similar question asked by astrophysics, would spawn a lecture listing several versions of origin Solar system. But no one ever, even in the most terrible delirium, I would not dare to say that our solar system is artificially created by some Higher powers. Meanwhile, today a number of scientists seriously consider this version. DANCES AROUND THE STAR Traditional views on the structure of the solar system unexpectedly rocked and nearly collapsed in early 2010. The reason for this served as the discovery of the planetary system, called Kepler 33, discovered by workers in the constellation Cygnus NASA Astronomical Observatory. It would seem where we are – and where they are, what is the relationship? It turned out to be the most direct. The fact is that Kepler-33 celestial bodies were in many ways similar to planets of the solar system. There was one major difference: all the planets Kepler-33 lined up around its star, as if by ranking! First came the largest planet, then smaller, and so on. Marveled at such a literally stenciled arrangement of heaven bodies, scientists recorded the Kepler-33 planetary system in the number of anomalies, because in the native solar system the planets are randomly located. Closer all to the Sun are small planets – Mercury, Venus and Earth, and the largest – Jupiter and Saturn – are strictly located in the middle. However, later scientists changed their minds – after carefully studying another 146 star systems, like our solar. It turned out that in each of them the planet revolved around the star, as in Kepler-33, located exactly as the size of the planets decreases from the largest to the side decrease. Only our native solar system with its erratic the location of the planets was knocked out of the picture. As a result, a number scientists immediately suggested that the sun and the planets around it arranged in such an abnormal, as it turned out, order in an artificial way. And this is done with a very caring hand. THE EARTH – AGAIN THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE? Continuing the study of the Solar systems, scientists came to another strange conclusion. Despite what the planets of the solar system really revolve around The suns, they all turned out to be in a peculiar way tuned to the Earth. For example, Mercury surprisingly synchronously moves with the Earth, and once every 116 days it does get upright with the Earth and the Sun, but always, it turns out, turned to Earth on the same side. Venus behaves in a similarly incomprehensible way. She like Mercury, also once every 584 days approaches the Earth at the maximum close distance, but turns to us again, always one and the same side. Venus generally behaves extremely “indecent”: while time as all the planets of the solar system rotate clockwise arrow, it spins in the opposite direction. The question is “why?” still remains unanswered. The sinister mystery of Jupiter However, of all the planets of the solar system, the most amazing astrophysicists imagine Jupiter, which according to the logic of things simply could not be formed where it is now. It is he as it turned out, and introduces disharmony in the arrangement of the solar planets system. The question of who or what located him in that space location also remains open to this day day. Of course, official science will immediately lead several quite official, arranging the scientific world versions of the origin a similar anomalous arrangement of the planets of the solar system … But what’s the use After all, almost one and a half hundred planetary systems are formed completely different! Photos from open sources So maybe some forces have chosen Earth for your own experiment? This fantastic, at first quite serious scientists adhere to the version, including repeatedly stated in the press his opinion about the anomalous location planets of the solar system, head of the laboratory of the physics department of planets of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences of sciences Leonid Xanfomality. SUN WHERE IS YOUR SISTER? No less a serious anomaly of astrophysicists consider the absence in the solar second star system. Yes, the second one! It turned out that the vast majority of planetary systems like the Solar two stars, and only we have only one. True, some scientists tends to the version that the second star still was, but then due to division, it was transformed into a planetary system. And today this the former star bears the name … Jupiter. A number of American astronomers sure that the second star still exists – supposedly this the legendary Nemesis, making a revolution around the Sun for 12 thousand years. So, it is to this version that they lean on the pages of the magazine Physorg American astrophysicists Walter Krattenden, Richard Muller, as well as Daniel Whitmere. Exactly forty years ago, a Soviet scientist Kirill Butusov published the work “Symmetry Properties of the Solar system. “In it, he scientifically substantiated the presence of absolute symmetry in Solar system. For example: Jupiter – Saturn, Neptune – Uranus, Earth – Venus, Mars – Mercury. The scientist also suggested the presence of a second stars in the solar system. However, what they are trying now calculate and then discover in practice modern scientists, long ago was known to the ancient civilizations of the earth, obviously, even observing the second star in the sky. This fact speaks of many ancient cave paintings and petroglyphs around the world, depicting a second star next to the sun.
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources In world mythology, she received the name Typhon, and the description is similar to a classic neutron star. Her image can be found near the ancient astronomical Observatory at Mount Sevsar in Armenia. The pictogram is clearly visible the trajectory of an unusual stellar body like a star, near the sun. Similar drawings are on San Emidio. Moreover, in all the pictures scattered around the world, a neutron star, flying past the Sun, throws a “lump” of matter in its direction – prominence. Since the prominence’s tongue is somewhat similar to a snake, ancient artists loved to portray him as a dragon, fighting the hero-god personifying the Sun. Similar drawings are in Scotland, on Egyptian frescoes, in Australia, Mexico – in a word throughout the world where the ancients once lived civilization. SOLAR SYSTEM-SPACE TAXI? Reply unequivocally to a question, the Solar system is artificially created or no, today is impossible. However, it can be assumed that in the world there is a certain force that can arrange the planets in its own way discretion. And in favor of such a version – the very hypothetical prominence released towards the sun by a passing star, so often found in cave paintings. Assuming that it was not a star, but a kind of artificial object, everything falls on their places. After all, back in 1948, Fred Zwicky claimed that it is possible move entire space systems in space, dropping them on them powerful thermonuclear bombs. The large mass of the star in this case keep their planets near the star, but allow them to move in space with all the inhabitants. Who knows, maybe someday humanity will have to use a similar method of moving in the Universe. Today, when enthusiastic researchers are advancing on the heels of professionals, and the exchange and dissemination of information Thanks to the Internet, they’re no longer a problem, we can hope that in the very near future, humanity will nevertheless receive an answer to the question is how the solar system was created. Dmitriy LAVOCHKIN
Venus Universe Mercury Saturn Sun Solar System Jupiter