Recently, Professor Phipps Morgan of Kiel University, Germany, proposed a new hypothesis of the Tunguska catastrophe of 1908. In his opinion, it was not a meteorite, but an “underground microapocalypse,” indicative of increasing stresses in the Siberian region tectonic plate. “Tunguska event is sinister harbinger of a global catastrophe that is already at least four times happened in the history of the Earth, says the scientist. -The last such disaster, which destroyed almost to 95 percent of all animal and plant species that inhabit the planet, happened 250 million years ago at the end of Perm geological period. It began just in the Siberian region. Reason for her explosive gases that are under tremendous pressure accumulate under the mantle of the planet. At one point they break through the earth’s crust and break out … ” Photo from open sources According to computer models, similar catastrophic release can trigger an earthquake magnitude 11. So far, the most powerful earthquake recorded scientists, is 9 points. It happened in Chile in 1960. At eleven-magnitude earthquake crust breaks through and out of it subsoil matter takes off at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, sowing death and destruction around you. The energy released equivalent to the power of 7 million bombs dropped on Hiroshima. IN as a result, gigatons of toxic rock rise into the atmosphere and destructively change its composition, leading to the mass death of living creatures. The same models show: an earthquake of 11 points should lead to the breakdown of the earth’s crust not in one place, but in several, which will significantly aggravate the situation. By the way, this is exactly what happened in the end of the Perm period.
Photos from open sources of colossal power explosions led to massive eruptions of volcanoes, including submarine ones, which, according estimates, killed up to 98 percent of all inhabitants of the seas and oceans. F. Morgan found several places on the surface of the Earth, which, in his opinion, could become “pads” the coming apocalypse. These are the Yellowstone calderas in the USA and Toba in Indonesia, as well as the recently discovered colossal supervolcano at the bottom Pacific Ocean. However, the most likely place to start the disaster scientist considers northern Eurasia. Data from many years of research show that there have long been destructive shifts of the earth bark. This is evidenced not only by the explosion of 1908, but the whole the nature of the motion of planetary magnetic masses, especially intensified in the region between the Urals and Lake Baikal. Igor V0L03NEV