A photo from open sources
Not every day you can observe the Earth at a distance of more than 160 million kilometers from space. At the same distance from Earth not the comet PanSTARRS flew so long ago. Spacecraft STEREO-B (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory succeeded capture this amazing phenomenon. On the above In the picture, the Earth is a noticeable bright dot in the center, and the bright the glow in the near corner is the tail of Comet PanSTARRS. To the head accidentally came the famous Earth shot “Pale Blue Dot”, reminiscent of the last mission of Voyager 1. Videos and photos were obtained thanks to the heliospheric imaging unit (Heliospheric Imager), whose main task is to study physics of the processes of coronal plasma mass ejections from the surface Of the sun. At the time of the passage of the comet, the spacecraft was on the far side of the sun. Solar wind and coronal emissions The masses are visible to the naked eye in this video: Photos from open sources
The sun