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The same object was opened twice – and in different quality. How is this possible and what of this “double” discovery should? It turns out neutron stars can transform from pulsars into x-ray pulsars – and for an alarmingly small time. This is assured by astronomers led by Alessandro Papitto (Alessandro Papitto) from the Catalan Space Institute Research (Spain). Let’s try to figure out what is the matter. X-ray pulsar in the family written to actively attract matter of a neighboring star. And from the accretion disk it should fall at the poles of the pulsar, along the lines of its magnetic field, with periodic fusion reactions … (Here and below illustrations Bill Saxton; NRAO / AUI / NSF.) First, it’s pretty funny: not so long ago it was believed that an x-ray pulsar is almost always a binary system where there is a neutron star and an ordinary one. In such neutron scenarios drags onto itself ordinary matter until accumulates such an amount of gas that it forms an accretionary disk around a neutron star. Very close to her star drive collapses because plasma cannot go across lines of force magnetic field. Falling along the lines of the field, it falls upon the surface of a neutron star in the region of the poles. There kick heats the plasma and, according to some assumptions, provokes thermonuclear reaction, which gives x-ray radiation. But radio pulsars were considered single neutron stars (at least least for the most part), not prone to eccentricities like fusion reaction on the surface. Secondly, the opportunity the conversion of an x-ray pulsar into a radio pulsar has not previously rejected but to stop radiating in x-ray range, such a pair needs to finish dragging the substance with an ordinary neutron star, and this requires considerable time. And so Moreover, the possibility of the return of radio pulsars was not supposed in the x-ray category. Still, IGR J18245-2452, neutron a star lying 18 thousand light-years from the Sun in Sagittarius (M28 cluster) turned out to be just such an object. In 2005, she was found as a radio pulsar. Then – another group of astronomers – opened it like an X-ray pulsar. First, no one’s head it didn’t come that one celestial body can be both at once in both different time. But then, by checking the location data of the object, both the team made sure that we are talking about one area. Lifting up archival information on the observations of several telescopes, scientists realized that in front of them a real werewolf without shoulder straps, a kind of Mr. Jekyll and Dr. Hyde in the world of neutron stars. “All this is especially intriguing because radio pulses do not come from x-ray pulsars, and x-rays should cease long before of how the radio emission will begin, “emphasizes Alessandro Papitto. In fact, to emit x-rays, a neutron star must “grab” more matter from ordinary and heat it to a huge temperature. Only then will matter begin emit in this range … Photos from open sources
In theory, the radio pulsar should stop pulling the blanket from normal stars and radiate along the same poles in the radio range. But in practice, these two activities may seem to alternate, not mutually exclusive. … And only with the cessation the influx of matter incident on a neutron star, magnetic field the latter will finally be able to generate radio pulses. Like IGR J18245-2452 managed to go to college without being discharged from kindergarten? According to observations, often after a month X-ray radiation IGR J18245-2452 – after a few days – switched to radio emission. The only model describing such delights are a sharp cessation of the fall of a substance from neutron star accretion disk and disk stabilization on long time. But the renewal of x-ray radiation requires a new absorption cycle, with pauses between these states невелики: Таким образом,previously inextricable process that takes millions of years and is considered very gradual, maybe not exist. It seems, in fact, everything is more complicated and ambiguous …
Werewolf Time