What is the Exomars 2016 project for?

Why do we need the Exomars-2016 project?A photo from open sources

March 14, 2016, as planned, to Mars will be another Trace Gas Orbiter launched according to the program ExoMars Orbiter, developed by Russian and European space agencies.

The beginning of Martian colonization

Spacecraft “Trace Gas Orbiter” will have to reach Red planet and send the landing module to its surface, who in a few days of work will study the global dust storm with the purpose of finding the source of methane on Mars.

A photo from open sources

By “landing” the module will also be checked a new European system of landing rovers “Schiaparelli”. it necessary to eliminate possible errors in it and in further more clearly plant a more valuable module – Exomars rover scheduled to launch to the Red Planet in 2018 year.

Through the implementation of the Exomars program, scientists from Russia and Europe plan to find out the nature of occurrence in the atmosphere of Red planets not only methane, but also water vapor, other gases, which necessary for the gradual development of Mars. Astrophysicists are sure that this planet can be a great place to colonize, because on it under a surface sheath that perfectly protects all living things from radiation, most likely, there is water, and microorganisms.

A photo from open sources

But virtual archaeologists are sure that under this protection not only primitive organisms are found, but also highly developed civilization, preserved from the time when biological life on Mars was also possible on its surface.

Mars – the planet of convicts?

For example, one of such Martian archaeologists Joseph P. Skipper (Joseph Skipper) in one of the images sent from Mars (in in this case, an umbrella Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter), found the real Quarries of Convicts.

HiRISR high sensitivity probe camera captures structures fairly regular geometric shape on the plain of Hellas, located in the southern hemisphere of the Red Planet, just in a huge a crater with diameters of almost two thousand kilometers and a depth of eight thousand meters. The coordinate point is 42.7º S and 70.0º E.

A photo from open sources

Joseph Skipper considered these to be ancient Martian man-made quarries. The researcher took some time to find the same structures on Earth, because I remembered that somewhere something already seen this. And I found on our planet such ledges regular geometric shapes are available in many places where limestone, marble and so on are mined. That is quite possible that some million years ago in a similar way on Mars mined stone slabs.

The freshest Martian find

Well, the freshest Martian find from the restless virtual archaeologists became the so-called “robotic hand. “And previously there was already a leg, a weapon, so, as noted the famous ufologist Scott Waring, in today’s find no nothing unusual, it just complements the assumption that there is no time on Mars there was a highly developed civilization that used robots.

A photo from open sources

Explains Scott and the similarity of such a find to the most ordinary a rock. The thing is, he says, that all the artifacts that we we find, including this robotic arm, lay on The surface of the Red Planet is millions of years old. Naturally, what are they for this time was petrified, but still kept their man-made forms that nature cannot create.

Video in honor of the decade of the Martian station MRO

NASA employees who have long been oblivious to finds of virtual archaeologists, however, themselves constantly heat up the interest of earthlings on this planet. Here today U.S. aerospace agency releases video in honor of ten year orbit of Mars probe Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

A photo from open sources

Note that the MRO created by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA was designed for a seven-year full-time job at orbit the Red Planet, however ten years have passed already, and the probe continues to function normally. During this time he cheated around Mars more than forty-five thousand orbits and transmitted to Earth almost three hundred terabytes of data.

The video is interesting in that it shows an almost real the “life” of the Red Planet with all its beauties – avalanches, moving dunes, fresh meteor craters, streams salt water and so on. All this was provided by the HiRISE probe camera, allowing you to take pictures with the highest resolution – 30 cm / pixel.

Many Mars researchers believe that NASA released this video for one more purpose: to distract the attention of earthlings from launch to The red planet of the Russian-European spacecraft Trace Gas Orbiter, to which the Americans have nothing to do.

Water Time Colonization Mars NASA Russia Scott Waring

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