A photo from open sources
According to sociologists, New Year celebrations are the most beloved holidays in Russia. It’s a pity that they have to wait as many as 365, or even 366 days. But there was a time when the New Year came more often … In Asia celebrates the New Year in February, in Africa – in some places in September (when spring comes in the Southern Hemisphere), in Europe and America – 1 January. This day as a starting point identified Catholic Church in 1582, adopting the Gregorian (named the next pope) calendar. Even the Russian state lives according to the Gregorian calendar, according to which the year begins with the first day of January. But, anyway, the holiday falls us only once every 365 days. But the ancient Mayans celebrated New Year once in … 260 days! At least that’s about it. evidence of stone disks found in a multitude archaeologists. Hieroglyphs have been decrypted for a long time, each of them a very specific translation corresponds, and the meaning as a whole is incomprehensible. Indeed, if you take the decryption literally, it turns out that Mayans lived on the tzolkin calendar, in which there were 13 months of 20 days. According to it, events and years of life of leaders were counted, calculated the history of cities and the people as a whole was prophesied. Even hype raised about the end of the world, predicted by the Mayans on the end of December last year, it is rooted in particular tzolkina. Europeans (most likely mistakenly) thought that Maya used not a decimal like us, but a decimal system calculus. Hence all the gossip and speculation about the 13th baktun, the universal disaster and the like. Now we know that in December 2012 no global disaster happened. By the way, Maya had Usual calendar of 365 days. Researchers scornfully call it “agricultural.” Meanwhile, he is much more accurate Gregorian, which is used by the whole civilized world. On him the Native American priests knew exactly when the rainy season would begin, when maize seeds should be thrown into the ground so that they give the best seedlings, when there will be a lunar or solar eclipse. And they were not mistaken. But maya persistently called it plebeian, and the 260-day – sacred or “by the footsteps of god.” And they had special codes by which priests could bring the modern account of time into line with tzolkin, up to hours and minutes. Why did you need a calendar of 260 days? Was he really a useless “toy” of the priests? Full eclipse Still Spanish scientist Diego de Landa, who came on Yucatan, along with the conquistadors, wrote: “This country has some secret, still not unraveled and inaccessible also and local people of our time. “It’s no coincidence that individual Mayan city states lasted longer under the pressure of the Spaniards, than the powerful empires of the Aztecs and Incas. A case is known when a strong a detachment of conquistadors captured the rich Mayan city – it remained after small: to kill the remains of warriors and priests who hid inside ritual pyramid. Resistance of the Indians was practically crushed when a catholic missionary persuaded the spanish hidalgo stop the slaughter and use the situation to appeal redskins to true faith. How did they agree on truces, history is silent. But the missionary of Cassana da Miranha in recalled in his report that he was put to shame by an Indian priest and not found an explanation of what happened. Native American invited the priest to appear a miracle, for example, to extinguish the sun. Cassana da Miranha replied that it is not within the powers of man and even of God. Then the Indian said that his gods are ready to leave the whole human race in darkness, “before will complete the flight of three arrows, “but to prevent the pyramid from falling ancestors. Miranha laughed and warned the soldiers that now “will be trick. “Instead of tricks, an Indian warrior released one after another in the sky has three arrows, and before the first touched the earth, it began a solar eclipse, judging by the reports of Miranha, is complete. If necessary say that the conquistadors fled in fear, throwing away on the go looted and even their property. First of all, the Indians, of course, fortunate that a solar eclipse began. But the priest knew that it will begin right now, and used this, perhaps, the last chance for the defense of the city. Secondly, it was Maya who spoke in Spanish, not Mayan Spaniard, which indicates level of general erudition of the conflicting parties. Thirdly, Europeans learned to predict solar eclipses only at the end of the XIX century. But the Mayan priest knew perfectly well what he threatens the Spaniards with, otherwise his city would fall just like the others. Of course, the Vatican Mirany’s office appreciated the report. On its own solar eclipse was not news, but cowardly behavior the missionary did not like the holy fathers. Harsh imposed on Miranha penance (church penalty) and accused of cowardice. But the fact It remains a fact: Mayan priest (and, it should be noted, at that time Maya civilization was in decline) knew exactly when there will be a solar eclipse. Space disaster It turns out that the Mayans possessed exceptional knowledge in astronomy and they couldn’t mix anything up. So tzolkin has some kind of specific meaning. But according to the calendar, in which only 260 days live impossible. Unless you assume that it was composed in those times when the earth wrapped around the sun for just such a term. In other words, tzolkin refers to the times when the earthly the year consisted of 260 days. But then you have to admit that the earthly the orbit ran much closer to the luminary or our planet moved in space faster. Is this possible? What could have happened so that our planet changes the route of movement or its speed? On the in fact, information about a monstrous catastrophe of planetary proportions, which befell the once The earth. Chaldeans, Indians, the same American Indians, Chinese and Greeks mentioned a cataclysm that nearly killed humanity. Moreover, almost all sources agree in the description. First, an astronomical event occurred, and then all living things nearly died in the Great Flood. Greeks, for example, told the myth of Phaethon, the son of the sun god, collapsed to Earth. Solon, by the way, bluntly said that the Egyptian priests assured him: under the myth of Phaeton, a real event is hiding, simply the Hellenes are too young and illiterate people to accept the truth. In fact, the assumption that the earthly the orbit has undergone changes relatively recently, does not look impossible. For example, many astronomers are sure that the same Mercury became an independent planet relatively recently, and before It was a satellite of Venus. Or take an asteroid belt. there is suggestions that it was formed from the debris of a dead planet. Her the diameter could be about 5900 kilometers – it is less than Mars and more Mercury The death of such an object could just become astronomical event, which was reflected not only on Earth, but and throughout the system as a whole. Accordingly, it could change and planetary orbit. Deadly hug there is a curious hypothesis of the German astronomer Gerstenkorn. He believed that the moon became a satellite of the Earth quite recently. Before that, she could be an independent planet that revolved around the sun in orbit close to the earth. But some time ago, under the influence some cosmic catastrophe, the moon lost its rotation speed, became close to our planet and was “captured” by it. Of course rapprochement with such a large object could not but affect Earth movement. It’s easy to guess what was supposed to happen on the surface of our planet during such a cataclysm. Meteorite rains, increased tectonic activity, obscure and frightening atmospheric phenomena. The moon, according to Gerstenkorn, is rapidly approached the Earth, and the apparent size of its disk grew, eventually exceeding the current 20 times. It was supposed to spawn giant tidal waves, the same Flood that occurred on Earth 12,000 years ago. “When the moon was at a minimum distance from Earth, the tidal wave height reached several kilometers, “says Swedish astronomer Alfven. At a certain the moment of “embrace” of two celestial bodies became almost deadly. The Roche limit (critical distance from planets closer to which, due to destructive action gravitational forces, the existence of satellites is impossible), which for Earth is 2.86 of the planetary radius. And then, apparently, the most complicated laws of gravity came into play, which caused no only the “capture” of the moon, but also the change of the earth’s orbit. It remains only to guess what it was like for people, and for all living things. By the way, the myths of many peoples of the world directly point to the moon as the source of innumerable troubles and the root cause of the disaster. Maya has the same the night sky before the flood, according to the chronicles, was not lit by the moon, but Venus. South African Bushmen are also confident that the moon appeared on the night sky only after the flood. It was not a secret for ancient Greeks. Mentioned the appearance of an Earth satellite in the sky Anaxagoras, Apollonius of Rhodes and other authors. And if myths and the traditions of many peoples have preserved the memory of the disaster, then try and determine its place in time. Mathematically Gerstenkorn calculated that the Moon could be “captured” by the Earth around 12,000 years ago (according to the modern calendar). And I must say that almost all the nations that led more or less thorough time count, approximately to that indicated by Gerstenkorn period, include the catastrophe of the Flood, which almost destroyed humanity and made the Earth the way we found it. Mark ALTSHULER �
Venus Eclipse Moon Moon Mercury Pyramids Russia Sun Maya Civilization