Where did the moon come from?

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Scientists recently concluded that the moon is younger than the sun systems for approximately 100 million years. This discovery helped understand more about the origin of the satellite of our planet. Scientists suggested that the moon appeared 4.5 billion years ago in the collision of a huge space object, superior in mass to Mars, with a still young Earth. This clash provoked the formation of the moon, including due to materials earthly origin. Scientists suggest that the body of the moon is more than 40% consists of fragments and fragments of terrestrial rocks that have become a collision of the Earth and an unknown space object. In addition, it turned out that during its formation, the Earth survived several similar gigantic blows. However on today is the blow that formed the moon, is the last one. Recent studies confirm this version. the birth of the moon. In addition, they showed that at the atomic level Earth and moon are almost identical. Lead author of the study Seth Jacobson said: “Based on these data, none of the scientists will not be able to seriously challenge this most likely formation scenario The moon. However, the exact circumstances of the giant collision are still so far remain in question. “However, among many scientists the age range of the moon is still in dispute. Some claim that the moon appeared after 30 million years after the birth of our solar system, while others sure that this event happened after 50 or even 100 million years. To help solve this problem, Jacobson and his colleagues modeled the growth of the rocky planets of the solar system – Venus, Mercury, Mars and the Earth – from a protoplanetary disk and thousands planetary building blocks revolving around the sun. Using for his experience more than 250 computer simulations and By analyzing how these planets formed, scientists found that if, as a result of the disaster, the moon formed after 30 million years after the appearance of the solar system on the surface Earth would have virtually no heavy metals such as iridium and platinum. These elements tend to move toward the core of our planets, and since they are present on its surface, although not in very large numbers, this is in favor of the hypothesis of that the moon formed 100 million years after the appearance of our planetary system. Also later moon formation is also consistent with atomic identity satellite and our planet, and also confirms previous findings scientists that the creation of the moon needed a more powerful collision of cosmic bodies than previously thought. “It has meaning, if we consider a later version of the disaster, “- sure Jacobson. He believes that the older the cosmic bodies, the they are more dynamic and active. These new data held Studies have created an interesting puzzle. While after the emergence of the solar system, the moon and the earth are about 100 million years old formed together, chemical analyzes of meteorites from Mars speak of the fact that the Red Planet began to form only through several million years after the birth of the solar system. “It means that the earth and mars are formed in completely different time frame because the formation of Mars is much faster than Earth, “said Jacobson.” How is this possible? Does formation depend planet or satellite of their size and mass? What is the time scale the formation of other planets of our system? I think this is one of really important issues that we planetary community scientists will be considered in the near future, “says scientist.

Time Moon Mars Solar System

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