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European astronomers observed Venus as early as the 17th century. In that century as in the next eighteenth, scientists saw large near Venus the celestial body, which was mistaken for its natural companion.
Among such astronomers was the famous Francesco Fontana, as well as Giovanni Domenico Cassini – Director of the Paris Observatory, who made many discoveries regarding the solar system and space in general. Its 150x is the most powerful telescope ever time also showed the satellite of Venus. Moreover, Cassini, like many his colleagues believed that theoretically the planets located between There should not be satellites in the Sun and Earth. And yet, near Venus they saw such an object – large in the form of a sickle.
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In the 18th century, the famous creator of astronomical instruments, James Short also fixed a satellite near Venus, which, in his the assertion that the diameter was slightly less than one third of the diameter of the the planet. True, on the following favorable days of observing Venus, no matter how he tried, could not find this mysterious satellite. However, twenty years later, namely, 1761, when Venus passed through the disk of the Sun and attention to it for this reason was reinforced, literally by all astronomers of the Earth, the venus moon has been seen at least two dozen times.
This was confirmed even by such a eminent scientist as Jacques Montaigne from Limoges, who, incidentally, was the most ardent skeptic in this regard, flogging himself did not see the mysterious satellite of Venus. Later even the Prussian king Frederick the Great proposed to name the satellite of Venus in the honor of the mathematician and astronomer Jean Leron D’Alembert, however the humble scientist refused such an honor.
And only in the 19th century the satellite of Venus received a name in honor of the ancient Egyptian goddess of hunting and war Nate, who invented for her Belgian astronomer Jean Charles Ozo – this happened in 1878. However, Nate herself has not been watched for a long time. Why? It was a real mystery to the scientific world.
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If not a satellite, then what?
Further space probes sent to the morning star, confirmed that Venus has no satellite. And the abyss without a trace he simply could not: they characterized him too big astronomers of past centuries. Such an object should have been left or an asteroid ring around the home planet if it falls apart, or fall on her and upset the balance of her “mother”, leaving monstrous faults on the planet. None of this probes discovered.
Famous Theosophist Charles Leadbeater in his book “Inner Life” (published in 1911) claimed that satellites had any planet disappears when its humanoid race finally reaches the “seventh circle of rebirth.” The disappearance of the moon Nate means, in his opinion, only one thing: the Venusians, significantly ahead of earthlings in their development, have already reached this “seventh circle. “We are still only waiting for such perfection, but when we we reach it, and the moon ceases to shine over the blue planet.
In 1919, scientist Charles Hoy Fort suggested that astronomers 17 and 18 centuries took spaceships as the satellite of Venus aliens entering orbit around the planet. More reasonable no explanation has yet been found for the appearance and disappearance of the satellite of Venus …
Venus Moon Sun