A photo from open sources
Probably many of you have heard entrepreneurial businessmen already sell plots of land on the moon and Mars (see video). I think land can be sold even on Mercury and Venus, no matter how seem strange, wanting to buy such a plot without fail there are.
In reality, according to the International Treaty of 1967 the year that all the leading countries of the world have signed, any extraterrestrial the territory belongs to all of humanity, and therefore not one the state, no private entrepreneur has the right to own by her as sovereign.
True, lawyers argue that in the case of the colonization of Mars, this The contract will certainly be appealed and amended, and just that the country that first reaches the Red Planet. Maybe this the reason today is so much attention to Mars from all world space agencies and private space organizations.
By the way, despite the sale of land on the moon, this satellite for some reason, space agencies are not torn, like on Mars. Perhaps the Red Planet is more promising for colonization? Quite it is possible, however, we must take into account the fact that we know about the Moon much more than about the distant Red planet. And therefore, most likely we just have some illusions about Mars.
According to ufologists, they simply asked us to leave the moon, because she’s busy. I wonder why we think that Mars is not busy. Moreover, it can be not only aliens, as we guess, but also the indigenous people of this planet.
Isn’t it funny: earthlings have long been sharing the skin unkilled bear, even pass “reasonable” laws on such division, from which it follows, for example, that Mars belongs to everyone, and it means no one. And at that time the Martians …
A photo from open sources
Colonization Moon Mars