Who, whom and why doesn’t let it go to Mars?

Who, whom and why doesn’t let Mars?A photo from open sources

While virtual archaeologists for evidence that life was once or still exists on Mars various confirmations of this in the pictures sent by the rover with Red Planet, NASA’s American Space Agency continues to pretend that all this is “silly little boys” fun.

Recently, NASA employees did not even comment “discoveries” of online archaeologists, thereby making it possible to once again make sure that the US government is hiding something again. The other day circled the internet recognition of filmmaker Stanley Kubrick as he in Hollywood filmed the flights of Americans to the moon, again proves that NASA, along with the US government, is constantly engaged in mystification and concealment of the true state of affairs in space exploration.

A photo from open sources

Moreover, the accumulated materials (including leaked from the secret archives of the USA and the USSR) more and more convincing ufologists that with Mars is far from the way it wants to present NASA’s public.

It turns out that at one time there were joint developments of the Soviet Union and the United States aimed at colonizing Red the planet. Moreover, there is evidence that earthlings have reached Mars and even created a base there, which is now intensely hiding US space agency (e.g. erases it from shots taken by the rover).

In the documentary “Who Doesn’t Let Us On Mars” The theme of the exploration of earthlings of Mars (including documented evidence of this is shown). In the same time it is proved that the Red Planet somehow protects itself from alien invasions, including earthlings, of which the Soviet “Phobos” was almost destroyed before it reached Mars and its satellites.

The hypothesis put forward is interesting in this regard, namely Martians, after a planetary disaster on their planet, flew to Earth created intelligent civilization here – hence the appearance Cro-Magnon, whose origin still can not explain modern science …


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