Who will reconcile Russia and the USA?

Who will reconcile Russia and the USA?Photos from open sources

While the politicians of the two leading powers of the world demonstrate increasing hostility towards each other, leaders space departments of Russia and the United States agree that this confrontation is temporary and that it should come to naught before the global scale of space exploration and comprehension.

For example, the head of Roscosmos Igor Komarov is convinced that there are many intelligent worlds in the universe, and on earth for a long time aliens are already present. In the end, he says, or the eternal dream of earthlings to find brothers in mind, or simply efforts representatives of other civilizations themselves will soon help Russia and the United States to overcome all political differences.

NASA’s head Charles Bolden agrees with Komarov who also believes in the existence of other worlds and their presence representatives on our planet. He is also sure that it is space must ultimately rally all earthlings, pushing aside temporary feuds and the cold wars no longer needed.

Both leaders agree that today we need to send all the forces of Russia and the USA, as well as other leading countries of the world, on the exploration of the moon, which could become the base, the starting point for further advance into space, for example, in the near future on Mars, Venus and so on.

The other day, Igor Komarov admitted to Western journalists that he really hopes that the joint participation of Russia and the United States of America in the lunar program, which, no matter what political differences, already being implemented, will help overcome and other problems in relations between Russia and the West. We say Head of the State Space Agency, we complement each other perfectly when working on this program, moreover, the moon cannot become a testing ground for further arms race.

Well, it turns out that space will reconcile Russia and the United States? Or maybe in this matter in the end will actually intervene extraterrestrial forces. what it will be for help and what kind of contacts, it’s difficult to say so far, but many ufologists of the world are sure that this is exactly what is going on. Well, wait and see…

Time Moon Russia USA

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