Why did NASA schedule exercises for October 12th?

Why did NASA schedule exercises for October 12th?Photos from open sources of

No sooner had the employees of space agencies and observatories breathe a sigh of relief, glancing past the Earth a huge asteroid “Florence”, as another loomed on the horizon danger: even more formidable is approaching our planet space object – asteroid 2012 TC4.

NASA has already estimated its size, mass and potential danger for the earth:

This asteroid is slightly smaller than Florence, but it consists of a denser rock, which is stronger than granite, in that but it is highly refractory, that is, it will not particularly burn out in the atmosphere. 2012 TC4 is a thousand times heavier than the Chelyabinsk meteorite, which, even lounging in the air (according to one version, was shot down aliens), done a lot of troubles and troubles in South Ural the capital. And what will happen if such a whopper falls to Earth? By more that this asteroid is flying at a much higher speed, than Chelyabinsk, and the probability of its collision with our planet – 1/600. In the case of a worse outcome, such a space “pebble” may break through the planetary crust and cause a certain disturbance in magma planets that will entail total volcanic eruptions on Earth and numerous, unprecedented hitherto earthquakes.

A photo from open sources

US aerospace agency staff also clarified that the maximum rapprochement of 2012 TC4 with the Earth will happen October 12, and at a time when there will be a passing asteroid turned the American continent. Maybe for this reason NASA outlined doomsday teachings and testing its system “planetary defense” is also on October 12 this year? In idle time coincidence something is not really believed. At least in the American the blogosphere this is discussed with constant comments suggesting that NASA employees are aware of 2012 TC4 much more than their mean official messages contain …


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