A group of researchers from the University of Washington discovered two tiny particles of dioxide in ancient meteorites silicon. Experts have suggested that this silica comes from massive stellar layers, very rich in oxygen, which are usually are near the supernova nucleus. Such a finding constitutes truly a sensation in the scientific world. Photos from open sources According to individual stellar models evolution, silicon condensation can occur in a cold external the atmosphere of a star. According to another version, silicon should processed during the formation of magnesium or iron silicates. However, it is difficult to verify both versions, since we cannot collect samples of the stellar atmosphere. The only way – Explore cosmic bodies falling to Earth. The fact is that asteroids and meteorites are capable of capturing stellar isotopes substances and store them for a long time. It should be borne in mind that different stars are able to produce different ratios isotopes. In the process of the formation of the star system, its celestial bodies become similar in isotopic composition: this also applies to planets and asteroids of our solar system. However, in some cases meteorites may contain stellar isotope patterns that occurred before the origin of the solar system. If such a cosmic body hits into the hands of scientists, they are given a unique opportunity to investigate the composition and convective processes that go on inside distant stars. Until the 60s of the last century in the scientific the world believed that in the solar system at the dawn of its formation so high temperatures reigned that no “pre-sunny” material can no longer be found in it. However, in 1987 a team of scientists from the University of Chicago discovered in ancient meteorites tiny diamond blotches. Subsequently diamond “grains” were found in more than a dozen cosmic minerals. Their isotopic composition turned out to be so unusual that specialists decided: diamonds came to us from very ancient stars. But blotches in silicon dioxide meteorites (SiO2) were detected for the first time. Diameter grains is only 250 nanometers – a little larger in size than viruses. Moreover, they are enriched with oxygen-18, which is usually present near the supernova nucleus. Supernovae are called very massive stars completing their evolution with an explosion. Wherein a star dumps most of its mass into space with speeds of up to ten thousand kilometers per second, enriching space heavy chemical elements, and the remaining central part collapses into a superdense neutron star or into a black hole. IN the moment of the explosion, such objects flare up very brightly, since a huge amount of energy is released. Therefore the appearance Similar stars in the sky are easy enough to calculate. IN supernovae are not at all newly born stars – this is just the “post-explosive” stage of the existence of “old” stars. By the way, it is with supernovae that the evolution of the Universe is associated. how scientists say, initially, right after birth, she consisted exclusively of light gases – hydrogen and helium. All other chemical elements formed only in the process burning stars. That is, most of the matter of which consists Our Universe is the product of supernova explosions! A type supernova is determined by the presence in the spectrum of its radiation lines hydrogen. If it is present, then the supernova is attributed to the second type, if not – then to the first type. Type One Supernovae observed, as a rule, in elliptical galaxies consisting of mainly from low-mass red stars, whereas in spiral galaxies to which our Milky Way belongs also both types of objects, with supernovae of the second type being concentrated in spiral arms of galaxies where active processes star formation and many young massive stars. Explosions supernovae may well begin to form stellar systems. So it’s possible that the blotches discovered by scientists silica are just the remnants of the explosion that gave rise to our Solar system. Truly amazing how tiny particles of matter can “talk” about such large-scale events, like the formation of stellar systems. However, this is a fact. And the discovery made by specialists from Washington will have a huge significance for further study of the processes of evolution of the universe. Irina Shlionskaya Universe Sun Solar system Evolution