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In 2014, the scientific apparatus is planned to be put into orbit X-ray Gamma Spectrum. His main mission is to create a map. The universe. All large clusters of galaxies will be marked on it. Large-scale maps of the universe are like time travel. One of the main questions that Spectr-RG should answer is how was the evolution of galaxies. The satellite is being built at the NGO named after Lavochkina, and a scientific program is being developed at the Institute Space Research RAS.
Computer model of our solar system from a distance several light years. As you delete objects in the picture, everything more. From a distance of two billion light-years – many galaxies.
“Nodules on the map are called clusters of galaxies. Nodules smaller are called groups, “says a senior researcher IKI Rodion Burenin.
Astrophysicists dream to look around half a century. At first, the maps of our universe were limited to a cluster several thousand galaxies. Latest review, Sloan, named in honor of the founder of the project Alfred Sloan, – already millions galaxies, and the scale is four billion light-years.
“Sloan review data helps to see the distribution matter in the universe and see baryonic-acoustic oscillations, which in Russia are called Sakharov’s. They are if to speak briefly, an echo of the big bang, “Rodion explains Burenin.
In 2014, the Russian Spectrum device will be launched into orbit X-ray Gamma. “His mission is a true universal census. Map with even larger scale equal to the age of the universe.
“In fact, we find all the clusters that formed in the universe, “says the deputy director of the Institute space research Mikhail Pavlinsky.
One of the main issues that Spectrum-RG should resolve evolution of galaxies. Why in the center of each galaxy are massive black holes, and how their mass changed over time. The only thing, what remains the dream of the future, to look beyond the borders The universe.
“The observable part of the universe is finite when we look at all far, we come to the time when the universe was very dense, it’s called a big bang and the light could no longer spread directly, “says Rodion Burenin.
Testing of the device will be completed soon. Engineers started creating a flight option. Design – two x-ray telescope: Russian and German.
“This is the largest ever cooperation between Russia and Germany experiment in the field of scientific space. Telescopes will be work in different ranges. Unique combination when they complement each other, “- Deputy Director of the Institute space research Mikhail Pavlinsky.
The orbit of the Spectrum RG is one and a half million kilometers from the Earth, in four times farther than to the moon. The so-called libration point or Lagrange point. The workplace of many space observatories. There the atmosphere of our planet does not interfere, but the attraction of the Earth and the Sun balance the apparatus, no need to adjust the orbit.
“There are conditions of lightness, conditions of constant radio visibility, ensuring energy balance “, – says the head project “Spectrum-RG” Vladimir Babyshkin.
Today a space telescope is already working in orbit “Radioastron” scanning the Universe in the radio range. After “Spectrum-RG” in space will send an orbital observatory “Spectrum-UV”, for the study of deep space in the ultraviolet. Secrets of the universe will be less.
Time Universe Galaxy Russia Telescope Evolution