Photo from open sources
The amateur astronomer recently examined through a home telescope. The moon and suddenly noticed something amazing in one of the major impact craters of the natural satellite of our planet.
According to a novice space explorer, there was very even symmetrical figure – an anomaly very similar to Latin letter “Y”. Obviously, nature could not create similar object. Thus, the author of the find concluded that discovered a structure of representatives of extraterrestrial on Selena civilization.
People of science do not cease to assure us that the moon are uninhabited celestial body. However, enthusiasts are constantly find evidence that there has been or still exists intelligent life, however, is unknown by whom and when created and supported, most likely – by aliens.
Buildings, megaliths, starships, domes and entire megacities – about such findings on the lunar surface are reported monthly if not more often. Many conspiracy theorists and ufologists are convinced that the powers that be deceive us about the population of the Earth’s natural satellite, therefore, they advise everyone who wants to know the truth to acquire telescopes (fortunately, today this is not a problem) and make sure yourself this, as did the amateur astronomer who saw on Selena today the mysterious letter “Y”.