A photo from open sources
There is such a category of people who firmly believe that our the planet is flat, and space agencies (including astronauts) and scientists hide it from the public by faking photographs from of space. This category of people is often called “flat earths”.
Relatively recently, cosmonaut Sergei Ryazansky lamented on that he was literally defeated by persistent landowners. During stay in orbit of the Earth, the astronaut periodically took pictures Earth and sent them to his page on Instagram. Him right there attackers commentators who wrote that it’s all “photoshop”, and the astronaut is not on the ISS, but on Earth – at home at home.
A photo from open sources Cosmonaut Sergei Ryazansky. Yuri Smithyuk / TASS
These same flat-earths also believe that space agencies fake every photo where spherical shape is visible Earth, and its edge is actually located in the ice of Antarctica. Some statements make you think, and some just cause laughter, for example, that our “Moon is a hologram” or “Australia does not exist.”
Interestingly, some people believe in “flat land” not on in fact, but for the sake of “fun.” And there are more stubborn individuals, who are ready to defend their worldview to the end. These people willing to spend huge sums on the purchase of special equipment to defend their point of view. When are the results their studies fail, then they try to draw them in their favor, making ridiculous justifications.
In the USA, for example, flat-earths are considered outcasts of society, so how few people want to take their beliefs seriously. And those in their various communities, dating sites and even arrange international conferences, so that finally get bored alone.
According to VTsIOM, in Russia there are 3 percent of citizens, who believe that our earth is flat. At first glance, this is not so. much, however, if quantified, it will not be so few – about 5 million people.
Based on materials from kp.ru
Andrey Vetrov
ISS Russia