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From time to time we meet in the press with high-profile headlines such as: “Contact with an alien mind,” or “Locals made out a flying saucer in the sky “, however, as experience shows, often we are dealing with optical illusions. What causes sometimes are these massive “hallucinations”? Your attention – the seven most common phenomena that we often take for UFOs. Photos from open sources
Lightning During very severe thunderstorms bright and enchanting phenomenon – the so-called sprite. Sprites are just not quite ordinary zippers that not only can have different shapes, but also colors. Sometimes they reach up to 100 kilometers in diameter, however, “live” less than 100 milliseconds. Sprites can take the form of balls, spirals, stripes, so they are very often take for a UFO. Photos from open sources
Missile tests in December 2009 in the sky over In northern Norway, many people witnessed a grand show. The green-blue spiral resembled an open portal to another measurement. As it turned out, there was no smell of mysticism here. Blame it all steel planned missile tests, rainy weather and out out of control ballistic missile that created chaotic mysteriously rotating light trajectory the effect.
Clouds Last October, footage of a giant halo (spectacular optical phenomenon) captured in a cloudy sky above Moscow, made a splash on YouTube. This video made Believe many in the existence of UFOs. However, meteorologists have proven that it’s just beautifully shaped clouds, just outwardly similar on the “flying saucer”.
Balloons October 13 last year, hundreds of people on Manhattan saw silver sparkling lights in the sky. Naturally, the initial descriptions of the alleged UFO are strongly varied. Some people said they saw one big flying saucer, others claimed to have seen about twenty small flying objects. It turns out all this hype was caused by ordinary balloons.
A photo from open sources
Planet Venus The second planet from the Sun appears in the sunset sky as a bright light that slowly soars at dusk, eclipsing with its glow the others located nearby stars. These are flickering, seemingly driven by us many people take for a UFO.
Airplanes Traces in the sky from jets very often mistaken for manifestations of extraterrestrial intelligence. Usually the most persistent and bright “prints” in the sky can be observed during sunset or sunrise. And in the night sky, flashing lights from flying “iron birds” and at all spur the imagination population.
A photo from open sources
Military experiments Late 40s and early 50s of the last century is a wonderful time for seeing UFOs and aliens, especially in New Mexico. After all, it is here the military conducted their top-secret research. For example, one of such programs was known as the Mogul project. Program goal – using balloons to transfer floating microphones to height where it will be possible to read sound waves carrying information on the results of atomic bomb tests in the Soviet Union. Naturally, eyewitnesses took such balloons for UFO.
Sergey Vasilenkov
Time Aircraft Sun