Photos from open sources of
Unidentified flying objects are seen by many, although among seven billions of inhabitants of our planet – it’s all the same units. But those whom the aliens allegedly abducted (say, from those who returned back), and at all some crumbs. It should also be borne in mind that most these returnees simply keep quiet, afraid to pass for crazy. But sometimes some of them still speak out …
Maradona abducted by aliens
Most often, famous people say it. Recall that among those who came across aliens were an american boxer Muhammad Ali, US singer-songwriter Elvis Presley, one of the Beatles John Lennon, Australian singer-actress Olivia Newton-John, even ours Russian politician Kirsan Ilyumzhinov (ex-president of Kalmykia).
And the other day, giving an interview to the Argentinean channel TyC Sports, about his contact with the aliens let slip the famous football player of this countries of Diego Maradona, who is considered one of the best players on soccer field in world history.
A photo from open sources
Maradona, who currently runs a sports club Gymnastics and Fencing La Plata, stated (or maybe just let slip) that he was abducted by aliens and was absent from this the world for three days. Slipping mention that the aliens played more than once a certain role in his sports career, Diego Armando right there walked away from this conversation. And no matter how the journalists tried to promote him on this subject, categorically refused to continue the conversation in in this vein, referring to a certain concept that is not about everything in this world You can speak publicly and even with details that, perhaps man is given only for “personal use.”
UFO over Costa Rica
Well, let’s leave Maradona, and turn to a freer and a common topic – to UFOs. We suggest you watch a video about flying over a small country in central america costa rica quite a strange object.
A photo from open sources
No, in terms of UFOs, everything is fine, such alien vehicles fixed often, another thing is that some web users the Internet tried to define it as a completely earthly mechanism, for example, a drone or military aircraft, for example, passing in a given moment of testing. If this is even so, then this UFO is still a miracle – he flies completely silently and, apparently, without any propellers, which are typical for most drones.
Miraculous this video can be called to some extent also because it’s pretty high quality (watch and enjoy). But there is, as they say, a fly in the ointment: for some reason some amateur operators are filming something interesting even on good smartphone cameras in vertical format, why even high-quality video loses a lot. But that being said, details …