A bizarre “flying” floated over Moscow plate”

Freaky sailed over MoscowPhoto from open sources

A perfectly flat disk-shaped cloud that looks suspiciously like a huge “flying saucer” was seen a few days ago over one of the tall buildings in the south of the Russian capital.

A mysterious incident took place in the area of ​​the avenue Andropov, and the local resident managed to capture the alleged an anomaly on the smartphone’s camera. The resulting video immediately scattered across many domestic and foreign sites dedicated to supernatural phenomena.

Some ufologists, including the famous Scott Waring, considered that an alien aircraft appeared over Moscow, disguised as a cumulus cloud. This, they say, is indicated by that the “cloud” flew low above the ground and did not change its outlines, which is very strange and unnatural. Moreover, of course, it is unlikely that nature could have created such symmetrical and even condensation clot. Some users Networks really suggested that we have the result of video editing, but there were few of them: people increasingly believe in aliens in Russia according to statistics, 45 percent of all residents of the country.

Moscow, Russia

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