A butterfly flew into an apartment, a house: what does a sign promise?

People say that the butterfly personifies frivolity. According to another version, she is a messenger of big trouble. But still, in most cases, its appearance is associated with the beginning of a new stage in life, a streak of success and joy, rebirth. And if suddenly a butterfly flew into your window, get ready for pleasant events.

a butterfly flew into the apartment omen

Why does a butterfly fly into a house?

Signs speak of a butterfly that flew into the apartment as a good messenger, a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. What can we expect after the visit of this beautiful guest in the near future?

  • If she fluttered into the apartment in the early morning – to good luck. Throughout the day, you will be successful in the financial sector. This omen is considered especially favorable when a green butterfly flies into the house.
  • The moth ended up in the house in the evening – superstitions promise that happiness in your personal life, harmony in relationships awaits you.
  • Many popular beliefs are inclined to believe that a butterfly flies into a room in order to fulfill a cherished dream.

To make the dream come true, you need to very carefully catch the moth and quietly say your desire. Then let it go and be sure that you will get what you dream of.

  • A sign about a butterfly with variegated wings, if it flew into the house of a single girl, suggests that a happy marriage is expected soon. If the owner is a bachelor, his future wife will be very jealous.
  • A moth with red, crimson, light scarlet and bright pink wings brings happiness to the house. Soon you will have a pleasant date, a romantic evening and courtship. And the richer the drawing, the more passionate the relationship will be. It is possible that everything will end with a wedding.
  • If the wings are blue it symbolizes harmony and tranquility. Most problems will resolve on their own, and you will be able to fully relax.
  • A butterfly is considered a good sign, which begins to flutter across the room, as if circling in a dance. Popular beliefs interpret this as a symbol of a happy family that lives in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and love.
  • The moth fluttered out the window and immediately sat down motionless – it promises you a peaceful calm life in harmony and harmony.
  • If a winged guest flies over your head, positive changes will burst into your life. I flew, then sat down on one of the indoor plants – love reigns in your house. Try to maintain this atmosphere.
  • A butterfly that finds itself in the house in winter promises a change. And they touch the person on whose body the moth decides to land. If he sits on furniture or a wall, all household members, without exception, should expect a turn in fate.
  • There is a sign that tells why a butterfly flies through the window at work – this promises an increase in income. Career growth is expected soon or you will receive an award. When a lot of butterflies have flown into the office, the sign promises an unusually turbulent period and the financial growth of the enterprise. In any case, this is a good sign, especially if the wings of the moths are bright yellow.
  • The butterfly flies into the room and sits on its head – soon you will go on a journey. Another sign promises an unexpected meeting with distant relatives or friends with whom you have not communicated for a long time.
  • If a fluttering moth decided to land on your right shoulder – wait for the visit of a good kind person, on the left – to a new acquaintance.
  • The butterfly flew into the apartment in the summer through an open door – get ready to meet guests and have a pleasant pastime.
  • It is considered a special success when three moths fly into the house and sit down next to each other. This suggests that you are promised great happiness that will soon fill your home.
  • If a butterfly flew into the apartment where a pregnant woman lives, then this means that the child will soon be born, and the birth itself will be easy and without complications.
  • The moth fluttered into the house, sat down on the windowsill and beautifully opened its wings – to great joy.

butterfly urticaria

Interpretation by sight

According to popular beliefs, the meaning of a butterfly's visit can change depending on the color of its wings, from the species to which it belongs. In this case, it is especially important which moth you see for the first time – at the very beginning of summer. How the whole year goes by depends on this interpretation.


The urticaria has orange wings with a black and white pattern and a beautiful edging along their very edge. And if such a butterfly flew into the house, then, according to signs, it promises an improvement in the quality of life. And the brighter the color, the better – luck will accompany literally at every step, life will become more eventful, fun adventures and bright events await you.

Another sign says that the urticaria butterfly flies into the apartment for money. Business in the financial sector will go uphill. But if there are many black spots on the wings, then the interpretation is different – you are about to hear bad news.

Chocolate girl

If a chocolate butterfly flew into the house, then this is a bad sign. Her wings are painted in a dark color, which is reflected in the meaning of the omen. You will receive very unpleasant news that will upset you very much.

The experience of our ancestors tells us how to ward off trouble. To do this, you must carefully take the butterfly in your hand and let it out with the words: 'With what you flew with, so fly away.' Then close the window and try to distract yourself from bad thoughts.


Signs about a night butterfly that flew into the house associate it with the soul of a deceased person. People say that she is still between the two worlds and is waiting for the road to paradise to open for her.

According to superstition, this is a very bad sign – a winged guest is a harbinger of trouble. This can be the news of the death of a close relative, the news of a dangerous illness, or big troubles happen in your life. In any case, if a moth flew into the apartment, then the omen does not bode well.

peacock butterfly

Peacock eye

In this butterfly, the underside of the wings is painted black, so signs on its visit promise negative events. This guest brings misfortune and problems to the house.

Follow the behavior of the moth: he flitted out the window on his own – you will be able to cope with troubles relatively quickly, if he decided to stay, landing on the wall, furniture or windowsill – try to escort him out on your own. Just take the butterfly carefully, being careful not to damage the wings.

Don't be upset if you get a bad prediction. The main thing is to think positively, and then problems will bypass you.

It may happen that the omen had a positive interpretation, but the joy never happened. It is possible that the time has simply not yet come. Forget about it – everything will happen by itself, often changes burst into our life at the most unexpected moment. Thoughts create our reality – remember this.

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