There are many myths and legends about independent and affectionate, stubborn and amazing cats. It is impossible to force them to do something that she does not want, she acts as she sees fit and chooses the owner herself.
It is believed that cats get used to the house, and not to the person, and do not yearn for their owners. But this opinion is refuted by practice, and among the Slavs there are many signs that reveal the reasons why a cat sleeps in bed with its owner, why it settles in the legs or on a pillow in the head area.
Signs about the rest of cats
Many interpretations are known about cats in bed, the reasons for this choice are not exactly known, but there are quite plausible assumptions:
- Those with strong energy can easily find sore spots on the human body and heal them. For example, the owner has a headache, for this reason the cat is laid in the head area on a pillow.
- The person whom the independent cat has chosen as the owner is a stronghold of safety for her, therefore she lies on his pillow or head, trying to find the most peaceful place.
- If a cat sleeps in your bed, it proves love and loyalty.
- These extremely heat-loving animals, they are constantly looking for a warm place in the house. And what could be warmer than a soft pillow or a blanket in a person's bed. Here is a pampered darling and settles more comfortably on the stomach, chest or head of a person.
If it fits in the legs or on the stomach
People often wonder why cats sleep in a person's legs or belly, and the answer is quite simple. Cats feel fatigue, aches or pains in the joints and muscles of the legs and try to relieve their man's discomfort.
Pay attention to your health if the cat constantly chooses your lower limbs as a resting place. Maybe you should see a specialist.
The cat sleeps on its stomach or chest, especially if a small kitten, once in bed, is looking for a place on the chest, then be sure to check the heart and lungs, this is a signal of emerging health problems.
If you are in a bad mood, you are annoyed and angry at the whole world, then the cat may well lie down on your chest to calm and conduct a kind of psychoanalysis session. This will make it much easier for you to fall asleep and you will be more calm.
It is believed that cats lay on a woman's stomach if she becomes pregnant. Even if the term is still very small and the woman herself does not know about the imminent addition to her family, cats mystically feel the birth of a new life and warm it with their body.
Our great-grandmothers, who did not yet have pregnancy tests, put a kitty on their stomach, if it curled up into a ball and fell asleep, then this is a sure sign that a new life has arisen in a woman's womb.
Very interesting, but sometimes the fluffy capricious woman goes to sleep under the bed or on the rug by the bed. In this opinion, experts did not come to the same opinion. Someone believes that the bed must be moved, since the animal indicates negative energy flows.
Another opinion is that the animal is a kind of filter and successfully converts negative energy into positive and allows its owner to receive only healthy energy.
Slumbers on the owner's head
A heat-loving cat often sleeps on its owner's head or on a pillow, because it is through the head that the strongest heat transfer goes and, naturally, this is one of the warmest and most comfortable places in bed for her.
Experienced veterinarians believe that in this way, cats mark territory, establish their own power over their man.
And some cat lovers decided that in this way they express their love and devotion, and therefore lie on the pillow in the head area.
There is a superstition that a cat sleeps on its head and attracts dreams, whether pleasant or unpleasant, for its person, and also drives away evil thoughts.
Absolutely all owners of cats and cats know that falling asleep in the same bed with a cat, you calm down faster, her satisfied purr relieves daytime irritation, lowers high blood pressure, helps to relax and fall asleep soundly.
Old experienced cats, who have lived with one person for many years and have well studied his habits, always fit into the sore spots of their owner and by this they try to help him, but they hate if they are specially put there.
What people say about the sleeping places of cats
It is not for nothing that there is a sign that when entering a new house, you must first launch a cat there. Where she settles down, there you need to put the bed, since these animals ideally feel positively and negatively charged places in the house. They never go to bed in the corners of the house, because it is in these places that all the negative is usually collected, according to esotericists.
- If the cat sleeps on the table, it means that this is the most successful place, and you have chosen it correctly for spending time with the whole family.
- Sometimes the cat lays down on the table in order to attract the attention of the owner and demand affection, or maybe she just wants to eat.
- There is a rather old omen that a cat sleeps on the table before the arrival of guests or before a festive feast.
- Some psychics believe that if a cat lies on the kitchen table, then a man survives from the house, and on the table in the living room or in the dining room, it predicts illness to one of the family members.
As you can see, there are a great many signs and interpretations of the behavior of our affectionate favorites. Believe them or not, it's up to you, the main thing is that communication with an affectionate animal brings you joy.