Many of our contemporaries are interested in the question of what the crow croaks. No wonder. After all, huge birds of gloomy color have long attracted the attention of people. They were credited with mystical abilities (it is in the crows that witches are able to turn, these birds invariably accompany black magicians and sorcerers).
Negative superstitions about crows appeared due to their habit of feeding on carrion, dwelling in burial places, circling over the battlefield after a battle. Therefore, many signs about crows portend misfortunes of various scales, including death.
When a feathered croak behind its back is a harbinger of injury or the appearance of an enemy
But over time, everything changed. In cities, these gloomy birds live mainly in garbage dumps (which is unpleasant, but not so terrifying in comparison with the cemetery), for many peoples the raven is a symbol of wisdom, good beliefs are associated with it.
Signs about the raven
There are many positive signs. If a raven has shit on you, this is a very good sign, portending a profit or promotion.
When there is a whole flock on the roof of the house, and the birds are sitting quietly, you can wait for matchmakers (for a girl), or you yourself will soon make a marriage proposal (for a guy).
There are signs regarding human relationships with these ominous birds:
- If the blind man takes care of the crows, he will see.
- The one who destroys the crow's nest is in for a big trouble – misfortune will touch his child, who will become seriously ill.
- The destruction of crows will lead to hunger, misfortune, fire, death of livestock or domestic animals, disease. It is believed that troubles will haunt the killer of wise birds and his children and grandchildren for as long as the crow lived (and these birds are long-livers).
Among the crows there are many arrogant and fearless individuals. If a black bird pounces on you (touches it with its wing, sits on its head, tries to peck) – a sign portends material well-being, business success and a high position in society. If a gray individual attacks, this is to death.
Signs by the number of birds:
- 1 – portends bad events;
- 2 – most often they promise good luck, a successful outcome of affairs;
- 3 – trouble is coming;
- 4 – replenishment in the family is expected.
Bird actions:
- Bite biting – a warning about a possible fracture, injury, disease of bones or joints.
- Carries away food in the key – portends profit.
- Keeping a piece of wood (bark, sliver, branch) in the key – an omen of friendly relations with a wonderful person.
Signs about a crow are of particular importance for those who are away from home on a hike:
- flies next to the right – a harbinger of trouble;
- 'accompanies' on the left side is a good sign: enrichment awaits you on the way;
- sitting on a stone – a warning about dangerous fellow travelers, keep an eye on your things, and try not to talk too much;
- the bird flew away from the traveler to the right – to good luck, moved away to the left – difficulties will be encountered on the way to the goal;
- settled down next to you while relaxing in a forest clearing – a warning about the proximity of a wild animal, it is better to change the place of rest;
- sitting on a burnt tree by the road – predicts a quick death;
- flies around when you put up a tent – troubles lie in wait for you, do not stop at this place, look for another clearing;
- to hear the cry of a crow in the forest and be frightened – the situation will be unsuccessful, walk calmly, without even flinching – to success in business;
- a raven sat on a car – predicts an accident, refuse a trip today;
- the crow has something in its beak – a harbinger of illness, theft, an attack of a predatory animal.
When a feathered croak behind its back is a harbinger of injury or the appearance of an enemy.
If a crow is circling with a cry behind its back – a warning about future problems, obstacles on the way.
Before the road, you must definitely pay attention to this sign, especially if the raven has left in the opposite direction to your intended route. The omen have the same meaning if the crow pursues the traveler 'on the heels'.
When a flock of crows fly out of the thicket, it promises a bad harvest. An odd number of birds portends a major quarrel, anger, trouble. Well, if two flocks of crows pounced on each other, this is a formidable sign of an imminent war.
A company of two crows carries a different meaning, depending on the behavior of the birds:
- Two crows feed each other – they predict good luck and joy to the one who sees it.
- If they croaked at the same time – a harbinger of a meeting with a person who can make you happy.
- Two black birds near the house – possibly a wedding.
- 2 birds are circling over someone's home – soon in this house you can expect the birth of a baby.
- 2 crows at a wedding or wedding – a harbinger of a happy long-term marriage in harmony and wealth. In addition, good luck awaits everyone present at the celebration.
When a crow screams for a long time on the street in front of the house in the morning, you can get ready to get a lot of trouble
Ravens near the house
According to superstition, if crows suddenly left the place where they nested for a long time, this is a harbinger of impending famine and devastation. When the birds return unexpectedly, there is hope for an improvement.
When a crow cries for a long time on the street in front of the house in the morning, you can get ready to get a lot of trouble.
If the crow calmly tells something near the house, this portends material problems.
If a crow flies outside the window with a cry, a harbinger of the illness of one of the family members.
When a bird makes continuous sounds under the window – beware of problems in communication (in business) with other people.
When a lonely crow croaks, sitting on the roof of a house, this sign indicates that some friend remembers you and wants to meet.
A lonely crow housed on the roof of a house or cathedral was always associated with an impending burial or ruin. In the first case, it was not difficult to determine where the deceased was being carried from. And in the second, they looked where the crow's tail was pointing, and this was how they determined the house where trouble would happen. If a bird sits on the cross of a church, it is a harbinger of the death of the priest of this parish.
Another interpretation of a crow sitting on a roof:
- for a large family – pleasant events, a rich feast;
- for young people – a love date;
- for creative individuals – the promise of recognition in society.
If a crow sits on the roof against the sun, a sign promises problems to the one who saw it. Troubles can appear in the form of a quarrel with influential people, legislative bodies, robbery (if the raven's beak is directed to the main cardinal points: east, west, gray, south).
If in an intermediate direction, a sign warns of a threat to the life of your pets (or, in another interpretation, a danger to you from pets).
Continuous, incessant crows croaking – an omen of bad weather
But a large concentration of birds on the roof meant an impending wedding. By the way, the presence of a lonely crow next to the motorcade does not bode well for the newlyweds in their future married life.
If a crow has built a nest in a tree near the house, the family is protected from the evil eye and witchcraft. If a bird croaks in or near its nest, it means nothing.
The crows knock on the window, and the bird's walk on the windowsill foreshadows impending death. Moreover, if a crow enters the room and croaks there, trouble cannot be avoided.
If a crow walks on your doorstep, be vigilant – thieves are already preparing to visit your home. It's not for nothing that crows and magpies adore everything that glitters.
When a raven on the roof tears at the fabric (for example, a banner or a flag), trouble threatens the head of the family.
Why do crows croak?
The crow's caw can be interpreted in different ways depending on the number of calls, the direction of the bird and other circumstances. Did you hear the cry of a crow, which is not visible, or did you notice it only after it croaked? How many 'cars' have they heard:
- 2 times is a great sign! Get ready to make a profit. You can start to implement the plans that you put on the back burner. Business success awaits you.
- 3 times – a very bad sign, portending death.
A crow croaks to your left – portends difficulties in business. This omen is especially strong for those who are in the water (swim in the river or just fall into a puddle).
I had to hear a crow's cry in the evening from 20:00 and 22:00 – a harbinger of happiness. These two hours are the time when the crows' caw definitely means good.
The bird croaks in a southerly direction – foreshadows the robbery of the one who saw and heard it.
The crow croaks – predicts the weather
For old-timers, crows are the most accurate meteorological center. Sensitive birds accurately predict changes in weather conditions. Moreover, due to the large size of the birds, it is difficult not to notice changes in their behavior.
If 'kar-kar' were the first sounds you had to hear in the morning, count how many times the crow called. Even – good weather, odd – bad. In fact, early morning crows almost always promise cloudless daytime.
When crows cry in the field for a long time, the harvest will be bad. A flock of crows high in the sky – a harbinger of clear weather
When the crows in the flock talked loudly among themselves, and then for no reason abruptly flew away – a harbinger of a change in the weather, probably not for the better. Most likely, precipitation and cooling are expected.
When crows cry in the field for a long time, the harvest will be bad. A flock of crows high in the sky – a harbinger of clear weather.
The prolonged incessant caw of crows is an omen of bad weather. In winter, it portends frost and snowstorms, and in summer – a downpour. One or more birds shout at the water – to precipitation. When many individuals gather near the water in the evening – a harbinger of a storm.
The sign of crows circling with a cry in large numbers indicates an approaching strong wind and worsening weather. But the birds flying in the direction of the rising star predict cloudless heat.
You can believe or not believe in the signs about events in life (crows, by the way, are not carriers of troubles, but only anticipate the future), but weather predictions are easy to check, so it is worth paying attention to birds.