The windows of balconies and loggias are often open. Birds freely enter the territory of the extension of the apartment. Superstitious people, seeing a feathered next to the windows, believe that there will be no good from such a visit. And a popular omen: a bird flew onto the balcony, speaks of an omen of heaven. Such a portent is more often good than bad.
What awaits you in the near future
If a bird flew onto the balcony and built a nest there, that's very good. Feathered subtly feel the energy, and will never hatch chicks in a bad place.
In addition, the bird house becomes a talisman for the family. Trouble and setbacks bypass human habitation, decorated with a bird's nest. The family lives in abundance, love and understanding do not leave such a house.
In the ceilings between the loggias or under their cornices, pigeons or swallows make nests. Any bird can just fly onto the balcony. Popular beliefs divided birds into messengers of light and dark forces.
If the pigeons coo on the balcony railing, a romantic date awaits you. If there is no loved one yet, he will definitely appear in the near future.
If the birds flew into the balcony and chewed it off – to the money. Moreover, the 'footprints' of large individuals (pigeons or crows) promise a large profit, and small birds – the receipt of smaller amounts. The exception is the sparrow. Its increments promise nothing but a lot of trouble.
What a visit of birds can warn about
Due to the ability to fly high, popular rumor has endowed birds with the ability to travel between worlds, to bring news from the other world.
For different news, birds of a certain breed are 'intended':
- Good news is brought by swallows, bullfinches, tits, swifts, pigeons.
- Sparrows and magpies (petty thieves) inform about possible financial losses.
- Owls, eagle owls and crows announce the funeral.
A dead bird on the loggia is a very bad omen. If a bird died a natural death, this is a harbinger of the loss of a loved one, a serious illness or ruin. If a torn bird is thrown up, it is an unkind sign that someone is conjuring against you, wishes for death.
If the winged guest on your balcony feels great, walks back and forth – it is believed that it is the soul of the deceased owner of the house who came to inspect his former place of residence or the 'incarnation' of a future person who is preparing to be born.
To determine what the bird flew to the balcony, you need to pay attention to the feathered breed.
The swallow flew to the balcony
This bird always brings good news. The family will be successful and prosperous. Even pebbles from the swallow's nest bring good luck. If the swallow came to you for the first time, hurry up to carry out the 'magic' ritual. According to legend, whoever sees the bird before everyone else, and has time to wash with milk instead of ordinary water, will turn into a handsome man (beauty).
In different countries, the attitude towards swallows is different. In Ireland, there is an opinion that the blood of a cute bird includes 3 drops of the devil's blood. And the Belgians perceive the knock of this winged guest as a sign from a previously deceased relative that his soul has finally calmed down.
Flock of sparrows
The omen is ambiguous. According to the legend about Christ, the sparrow is the messenger of death. But in the days of paganism, a lively bird personified the symbol of the groom, and even young, handsome. If a sparrow has built a nest, it means: soon a new family member will settle in the house – a son-in-law.
If the sparrows chirp briskly and loudly on the balcony railing or under the window, they 'talk' among themselves – a harbinger of a petty but loud quarrel between household members.
Titmouse flew to the balcony
The cute birdie is considered a messenger, she brings mostly good news. But a titmouse that flew onto the balcony can make such a roar with its beak that, hearing a knock, it can be mistaken for hammer blows. In this case, a small bird foreshadows the news of the funeral of someone from friends (not relatives or loved ones, but still a person who has ever been part of the social circle).
Dove as a bearer of messages
- If a pigeon hits the glass, it will scare the person the most. This is the only case when a peaceful bird can report trouble.
- An accidental pigeon on the balcony of an unmarried young lady is an omen of an imminent wedding.
- The 'Bird of Peace' on the balcony railing of a married couple is a harbinger of the baby
- The neutral meaning of the dove on the balcony is a sign of the higher powers that the house is not in danger of fire.
- A white dove flew onto the balcony with a twig or a feather in its beak – it informs about the joy and the upcoming increase in the well-being of the family.
Raven on the balcony.
If this is a wild bird knocking on the window or sitting on the railing, it definitely portends the death of one of the household members or another big trouble. But crows are trainable, so poultry is most likely on your loggia. And on tame birds, no signs and superstitions apply.
How to make the omen not come true
If there is a bird on the balcony, the interpretation of the omen depends on many factors, first of all – on the behavior of the 'guest'. If the feathered one has caused excitement in you, you need to take measures to take trouble away from home.
According to superstitions, a hungry bird needs to be fed, watered, and a sick bird needs to be cured. But the second is only possible if you have the skills of a veterinarian. Therefore, there is a different opinion of folk wisdom: you should not try to treat a wild bird, you should not interfere with natural selection.
So, if any bird is on the balcony:
- Don't try to catch her. Pretend you haven't noticed her.
- Give the 'guest' an opportunity to calm down and find a way out on her own, do not rush or rush her.
- Pour some crumbs or grains on the floor or on the windowsill and say the words: 'fill up and fly away, but take the trouble with you.' Ideally, if the bird picks up all the treats (so you don't need to add a lot) and flies away.
- After the stray guest leaves your balcony on their own, throw handfuls of grain after her with the words 'flew for food, not for trouble'.
There remains one more sign that does not mean anything. If a bird sits on a balcony rail or windowsill with its back to the house, does not show interest in what is happening in the room, it has no news for you, the bird just sat down to rest.