A capsule was found in which aliens entered to earth life

A photo from open sources

British microbiologist Milton Wenwright is confident that life on our the planet was deliberately entered from the outside in special capsules and claims to have discovered one of these “containers”.

Theory of “Interstellar Insemination”

Developing a theory about the evolution of living organisms on Earth, scientists could not find a reference point when and how on our planet the first living inhabitant appeared. Jumps in temperature and pressure, irradiation, mixing of various media – during numerous laboratory experiments of living cells from inanimate material do not it turned out in no way.

As a way out of this impasse in 1865, German scientist German Richter put forward the theory of “interstellar insemination” (panspermia). According to her, the first spores of microorganisms came to Earth from space. on meteorites or spontaneously under the pressure of light (is in space is such a way of moving). Theory was met by scientists without enthusiasm. The cold space, in their opinion, did not leave alive a cell has no chance of surviving in interstellar space.

A photo from open sources

Killer factors

First of all, murderous cold – 220 degrees below zero. The embryo of life is not a year, not two – tens of thousands of years should wander in such terrifying permafrost before he falls happy chance to fall on the planet and give birth to life on it. Is he able to withstand such a severe test?

Light, the source of life, is also the source of death: many bacteria die when exposed to sunlight. For all without exception microbes, sunlight is unfavorable.

Before falling to the surface of the planet, a meteorite flies through atmosphere, heating up to white heat, due to which they become visible. The vast majority of meteorites burn up before reaching Of the earth. Found meteorites are literally melted.

What kind of life can survive in this fiery hell?

Chances are minimal, but there are

This was first discussed in 1969, when the Apollo crew 12 “delivered to the Earth parts of the moon accident probe Surveyor 3. Bacteria found on probe elements when placed they came to the nutrient medium and began to multiply. Stay in 3 years on the surface of the moon did not affect their survivability. Subsequently, more than 140 were discovered in space. all kinds of organic molecules.

In 2014, German and Swiss scientists conducted an experiment in during which simulated the conditions of stay of microorganisms in space and during the passage of a meteorite carrier through dense layers of the atmosphere. According to scientists, a number of bacteria managed to survive.

However, mathematicians, having performed simple calculations, proved that the probability of such a favorable outcome of events is 0.00000 … ..% – almost nothing.

Directional panspermia

In 1973, the British microbiologist Francis Crick put forward a theory “Directed Panspermia.” According to this theory, the “insemination” of the Earth occurred as a result of the purposeful activity of an alien reason, and the embryos of life came to our planet as prisoners in special “containers” protecting them from all harmful impacts while traveling.

Awesome theory that explains everything. The matter remained small: find material evidence thereof. Microbiologist Milton Wainwright of the University of Sheffield (UK) believes such evidence has finally been found.

Found an alien “container”?

Professor Wainwright’s group did research stratosphere. In July 2014, in samples delivered by probes with heights of 27 km, they were surprised to find microscopic metal balls. After some manipulations, the balls began secrete a sticky substance that has tested positive for DNA test. The professor is sure that the capsule that fell into his hands, stuffed with a colony of microorganisms, and there is one of those numerous containers that carry life throughout The universe.

A photo from open sources

However, among scientists, the professor’s find did not cause joy, but anxiety. After all, if Wainwright is right, doesn’t his testimony find that a certain higher mind started a new large-scale experiment and trying to bring new forms of life on Earth? Maybe someone there “upstairs” decided to close the project “humanity” and start all over from scratch? Then it’s probably better that Professor Wainwright made a mistake.

DNA Time Life Moon

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