A photo from open sources
Just a few days ago near the International Space the station was seen a disk-shaped UFO of impressive size that caused a lot of controversy in the network.
A photo from open sources
And the day before, a YouTube user under the nickname Streetcap1 reviewed on video that is broadcast from the ISS to Earth in real time of time, another strange unidentified cigar-shaped object forms.
It is worth noting that UFO activity near the orbital station significantly increased recently. ISS cameras regularly fix strange objects of various shapes and sizes. Wherein NASA’s space agency usually refrains from any comments, or, as a last resort, writes everything off to space debris and dirt on the lens.
At the same time, the last record clearly shows that it is not just a blurry spot, and a cigar-shaped object, which at the end ends just dissolves in space.
UFO Sightings Daily blog author says UFOs so often appear near the space station because they are invited guests. In other words, the Earth’s orbit is the place where earthlings come in contact with representatives of alien civilizations, according at least that’s what Scott Waring thinks.
ISS Time Scott Waring