A crescent-shaped UFO filmed in the sky

A crescent-shaped UFO filmed in the skyPhotos from open sources of

Mysterious unidentified flying object shaped like a crescent moon appeared in the evening sky and was recorded on video. Experts suggest that the “flying saucer” wanted disguise as a cloud or moon. Many ufologists from all over planets have concluded that explain the exact nature of this anomalies are impossible, but representatives are probably involved here extraterrestrial civilization.

By turning on the video below, you can see how a mysterious white UFO slowly floats through the sky, rising all higher. The SecureTeam10 expert group reviewed the recording and came to the conclusion that she is not a fake. According to specialists, this is a very strange phenomenon that requires further studying. Unfortunately, determining where and when it was filmed video is not yet possible. Presumably in Australia, where various abnormalities have been observed recently phenomena caused either by solar activity, as claimed scientists, or increased attention to this continent from aliens.

“SecureTeam10” representative Tyler Glockner addresses everyone researchers and interested parties:

This is definitely not a balloon, not a drone and not one of those mysterious smoke rings everyone is talking about in Lately. We had never seen anything like it before. Perhaps this is some kind of atmospheric or optical phenomenon. If someone will meet this anomaly again, we ask as much as possible better capture it on video and quickly contact us.


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