A dialogue with extraterrestrial intelligence …

A dialogue with extraterrestrial intelligence ...Photos from open sources

In the spring and summer, not even a week goes by in one of 40 countries did not have a new pattern on a wheat field. Beautiful, and sometimes intricate compositions of bent ears – one of the most exciting puzzles.

Possible patterns are pictograms, or encrypted messages from aliens. But in this case, they must be readable, as proved by the joint experiment of a group of Bulgarian scientists and clairvoyant.

Marianna Vezneva, 70-year-old woman, architect by profession, esoteric vocation – a person who carries spiritual messages from “heavenly teachers” of mankind. You can believe it or not believe it revelations, but when in the spring of 1986 Marianne warned of emergency accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant, at first no one drew attention to another horror story, but later foresight Bulgarian Sibyls recalled – in the country Wangs are able to appreciate such things.

Vezneva was not the first to guess to read symbolic graphics, left in the margins. But unlike her predecessors, she, firstly, used knowledge of the language of symbols and, secondly, the ability of mental dialogue with the mind that sends us messages.

When the rumor of her experiences reached scientists, Professor Luchesar Filipov got the idea of ​​a scientific experiment: scientists will prepare the most important and interesting questions, and Marianne will pass them on to the mind, which, judging by its revelations, is so eager for dialogue with earthlings.

– 22 scientists of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences agreed to participate, – says Luchezar Filipov, Deputy Director of the Institute space research. – Together we prepared 35 issues relating to the problems of the Earth, the origin of mankind, the fate of our civilization. Vezneva in one known way to her conveyed these questions to those who, according to the popular hypothesis, are trying engage in dialogue with our civilization. Marianne told scientists when and where to expect the next icon with the answer to that or another question. When did this icon really appear – most often in southern England, the clairvoyant offered her decoding of the response contained in the message.

The experiment took all last summer. Autumn summed up. Out of 22 14 scientists signed a joint protocol confirming held dialogue of two civilizations. 8 people do not have their signatures set, considering the results either zero or unconvincing.

The experiment organizer himself made a dual conclusion: – How academic astrophysicist I’m disappointed with the results experiment, – Luchezar Filipov admits. – Because, to For example, the message transmitted by Marianne about the end of the world in 2012 did not consistent with scientific evidence that I trust more than her interpretations and was not confirmed. At the same time, if SETI – extraterrestrial intelligence search program by sending radio signals into space – almost half a century does not bring success, why not try look in other ways?

I cannot but admit two interesting results in the experiment. moment. First: when Marianne announced in advance the next the pictogram, the time and place of its prediction turned out to be accurate. The second point: often she transmitted answers containing such concepts that this woman, due to her education, could not know. Therefore, despite the muddy content of most of the answers and the doubtfulness of their forecasts, I believe that such research needs to be continued.

Dr. Yordan Tasev, physicist at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Relations BAN, also regards the result of the experiment in two ways: – Answers ambiguous. Whether they contain the allegory common to all texts of spiritual content, or subjectivity of Vezneva herself. But it is characteristic that the vocabulary presented in the responses, she herself in everyday life does not own. To specific questions on astrophysics the answers came vague, but with an explanation that more specific could have an effect on later life on Earth, which the authors messages are avoided. And this, in principle, can be understood.

Doctor of Theology Konstantin Zlatev believes: – Dialogue with an unknown, more developed civilization took place – that’s the main the result of the experiment. And the fact that it is not specific is natural: we do not have a common language, and the mediator inevitably introduces distortions into communications. Different religions recognize the possibility of existence spiritual world inhabited by sentient beings, although usually not accept new discoveries in this field. But imagine we would were looking for a common language with the civilization of ants. Not sure our messages to the anthill would be perceived by the community there as carrying significant information.

I agree with my colleague Luchezar Filipov: – We ourselves are always willing to we command weaker but not ready to accept the thought that someone able to command us. Hence the active scientific reluctance the public, especially its “upper layer”, to agree even with statement of the problem – not that with the results of its solution.

Life time

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