Dogs have long lived next to people. When meeting animals on the street, no one is surprised. But dogs behave differently: they can run after them, bark, greet or bite. Inevitably, there is a desire to find out what animals are showing such attention. Moreover, if the dog has nailed to the house, I want to find out the meaning of the omen.
If caught up with you
A lot of superstitions and signs about stray dogs appeared not by chance. It is believed that the souls of sinners move into the body of dogs. Animals see well, feel what people are not given to feel (spirits, evil spirits, heavenly messengers). This ability is fully inherent in dogs with light spots under the eyes.
So, if a stranger's dog caught up with you, do not rush to be upset. Maybe she saw an invisible danger threatening you from evil spirits and is trying to protect. As soon as the threat passes, the animal will step aside on its own.
There are other signs:
- The dog has nailed down the road and is following you – a good sign. An intelligent animal will not run after a bad person.
- The nailed animal not only revolves around, but also strives to rub against your legs – portends a pleasant surprise, a gift.
- Several funny dogs are spinning around you in the game at the same time – for the wedding.
- The strayed four-legged companion brought him home – great luck follows with him. Think, and not leave the dog with you forever?
- If at night, the dog met on the way – a meeting with the robbers is possible.
- I barked at a black dog – you will go astray.
- His own black dog is a protector from evil spirits, he scares the demons, does not let them into the house.
For those who are traveling or in a hurry to an important meeting, the color of the dog crossing the road matters:
- Black and white or snow-white dog – portends a successful path.
- A dog of any color with a white speck on the forehead – predicts a fabulous success.
- 3 white dogs at once – luck will not leave you for a minute until you return home.
- Spotted dog – in England it means victory in all disputes and deeds, and in India portends disappointment. The choice of interpretation can be made independently.
- The black dog is a harbinger of failure.
In general, meeting a dog crossing your road promises nothing, neither good nor bad.
If you entered the house
A stranger's dog came and crossed the border of your house – what consequences to expect:
- A stray dog in someone else's home is an 'indicator' that a wonderful atmosphere reigns in the house, good people live. Otherwise, such a sensitive being would not have looked into him.
- A frightened dog whines plaintively and rushes about the yard, looks sick – an omen of minor troubles. Don't drive the animal away. It won't improve your destiny. Understand what's going on. If the dog is fleeing persecution, or is looking for help for another objective reason, maybe there are no predictions. Feed the animal and provide a place to sleep. If the next morning the dog disappears, we managed to get rid of the reckoning for some 'sin'.
- A strange dog came and calmly walked through the door – you will soon make new friends, but if the dog is dirty and shabby, the number of enemies will increase.
A living creature who voluntarily comes into the house, regardless of whether it is a cat or a dog, is considered a good omen.
It is recommended to keep the animal with you, because, together with it, good luck and prosperity will 'settle' in your house. If you put a stray black dog in your house, lightning will never hit your house. Of course, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian.
Which dog has strayed
- If the dog strays to the house, this event predicts illness or good profit (you should pay attention to the condition of the dog).
- Shabby and sick – expect trouble (quite understandable: such an animal can be a carrier of infection).
- A young, well-groomed dog – to a quick profit (at least, it can be returned to the owner, and he will thank him for joy, and keep it for himself – he will protect it from being robbed).
In any case, popular wisdom strongly does not recommend cruelty to stray animals, they should not be kicked – otherwise, you can attract big troubles into your life. To get rid of the unwanted 'guest' should be done with mercy. Feed the dog away from the house, and then gently but confidently offer to leave.
If a pet escapes from the yard, trouble is expected. Although, if the dog left the home voluntarily, she should soon die.
Should I leave
It is not worth keeping an old sick stray dog in your home, because if a dog dies in the house, according to superstitions, this bodes well. Why risk it?
Find out what the dog howls on the street.
If the dog arrives, cheerful and healthy, albeit slightly shabby, perhaps higher powers send a person a chance to atone for their sins. It is worth giving shelter to an animal and taking care of it.
If a puppy comes to the house of a married couple without children, it must be left behind.
Popular beliefs predict that good people will soon have a baby. There is also a scientific explanation for this sign. A woman, sincerely fascinated by a cute creature, begins to care for him, forgets about her problem. And when the lady relaxes, stops counting the days, and choosing the right moment for conception, everything easily happens by itself by the grace of nature.
Negative interpretations
- The worst event is the death of a stray dog before the doorstep. This foreshadows the imminent death of one of the residents of the house. Even if no one has died, the corpse of an animal does not bode well. At the very least, quarrel with your best friend, get bad news, or have to be treated.
- The dog dies near the home of a seriously ill person, it 'takes' the disease, and the person recovers.
- The death of an animal in a pregnant woman's apartment is a harbinger of a difficult birth.
- The dog wanders from corner to corner, does not find a place for himself in the woman's house on the demolition – for an early birth.
- If the dog has taken to the house, behaves friendly or whelps in the yard of a pregnant woman, childbirth will be easy and quick, and 'the house is a full cup'.
- The death of a ginger dog, especially on the eve of New Year's holidays or Christmas, portends a global disaster.
- If a dog that has bitten a person dies, then the victim will soon fall ill, and it is unlikely due to the bite.
Dogs should not be buried in the yard.
It is better to burn a stray dog who later died. Thus, it will be possible to drive out the evil spirits, the carriers of which were the animal.