A double rainbow appeared – wait for good changes!

The Bible says that God created the rainbow after the great flood. She personified the promise that people would no longer suffer from such a flood. Thus, according to the Old Testament, the rainbow symbol is a global change for the better.

To this day, this natural phenomenon is treated with awe, especially when a double rainbow appears in the sky. She is considered a harbinger of good news, pleasant events and kindness.

double Rainbow

Why see a rainbow?

You can see a rainbow in the sky during the rain, when the sun's rays break through the clouds. It was at this time that the sky was illuminated by a seven-color colorful bridge. At the same time, sometimes two of them appear at once – one is bright, the second is dim.

  • If you are lucky enough to see a double rainbow in the sky, the omen promises great joy. In life, a favorable moment has come for any undertakings. All plans will come true, you will complete important things and get an excellent result.
  • The double rainbow symbolizes positive change. In addition, it means that soon cherished dreams will come true. And the shorter the distance to the multi-colored bridge, the higher the likelihood of wishes coming true.
  • If you are lucky enough not only to notice a double rainbow in the sky, but also to pass directly under it, then the omen advises to discard small desires and strive for something more global. Think about what you dream about the most, what you wanted to get from life, but for some reason you could not decide on it.

The people say that desire should not be associated with the material sphere: higher powers will not approve of this. At the moment, you should focus on thoughts of love, ask for good health to your loved ones and sincerely thank fate for the opportunity to change your life for the better.

Double Rainbow

Signs speak of the double rainbow seen, as a symbol of success, good luck. Moreover, the interpretation can relate to any sphere of life: work, relationships, family. This amazing phenomenon becomes an indicator that the streak of bad luck is over, and higher powers send a reward for the troubles experienced. It's time for happiness.

  • Two rainbows appeared in winter – a good sign. Problems will resolve themselves without any effort on your part. And even if you don't really believe in it.
  • If they were located in different places in the sky – a special gift from the Universe awaits you. Heaven sends a blessing, and therefore even minor troubles are not foreseen in the near future. Incredible events are about to happen that can radically change your life.
  • In ancient times, it was believed that a double rainbow, which was lucky to see after a thunderstorm, brings peace. And if during this period you are experiencing difficulties or are faced with a difficult choice, just try to calm down. The solution can be found with the help of your own intuition.

Stop the flow of thoughts for a moment – the answer lies on the surface.

But not all signs about this colorful phenomenon are positive. For example, in ancient times, superstitious people believed that a double rainbow appears in the sky before a terrible fire. And in order not to bring trouble to the house, after what they saw, the ancestors tried to be careful with open fire.

Signs about the weather

There is a belief about a double rainbow, the interpretation of which is associated with a change in climatic conditions:

  • Watching it with a full moon – to rain and warming. And this weather can last for several days.
  • In winter, the air temperature drops, which will lead to severe cold and snowstorms.
  • In spring (April) – if it appears in the sky during or immediately after a thunderstorm, it means that warm weather will soon be established.
  • In autumn – to steady heat and short-term, but frequent rains.

omen to see a rainbow


It is very rare to see the full rainbow, especially within the city. Sometimes, due to weather conditions, it is partially covered by clouds. But if you are lucky enough to observe her in all its glory, then this is a great sign: all adversity will finally recede. If, on the whole, you lived well, then in the future there will be even more pleasant surprises and happy moments in your life.

Another curious meaning of a full rainbow is associated with the birth of a son: if a woman has two daughters, and she dreams of a boy, then a double colorful bridge is able to fulfill this desire. In the ancient belief it is said that for this a pregnant woman must drink from a reservoir from which the seven-color 'grows'.

The reservoir in which the double rainbow takes its source, according to ancient legends, has a healing power, and its waters are able to heal a seriously ill person.

double rainbow omen

Around the sun

Signs about a rainbow around the sun also have a good interpretation. It is very rare to see the rainbow circle: it appears mainly after rain and disappears very quickly. But those who are lucky enough to notice this phenomenon can expect good, bright changes in the near future. Good luck will accompany you, every day will be filled with love and prosperity.

A circular rainbow can also tell you about the upcoming weather. For example, if it appeared around the sun in winter on a frosty day, then no warming is expected in the near future.

Notice a double rainbow in the sky – forget about the troubles and believe in a miracle. The people associate this unusually beautiful natural phenomenon with many promising surprises. And do not forget to make a wish – the most cherished, light and pure. It will certainly come true.

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