What does a broken plate mean by signs

People associate many household items with folk beliefs, and dishes are no exception. The sign of breaking a plate is considered lucky. But you should not take this event so unambiguously, since there are many interpretations of it.

the plate broke

Why do plates and saucers break and crack?

On Monday, a broken plate promises success and good luck for the entire coming week. It is also important to believe yourself in a favorable outcome of what happened. If you break an element of the service on Sunday, you should expect conflicts among loved ones.

If a plate or glass accidentally breaks, this event can be interpreted both in a good and in a negative way.

Good prediction

In the old days, deliberate smashing of dishes frightened off various fatal ailments. A large number of fragments promised a happy old age, surrounded by relatives and friends.

When an unmarried girl accidentally breaks the dishes, it can be an interesting romantic adventure. It was believed that the more beautiful the broken plate was, the more likely the romance would end in a wedding.

Hitting a plate by a young man promises him good money and success in the workplace.

broken saucer

Bad omens

The ancestors believed that breaking the dishes was possible only through the fault of the brownie, who was dissatisfied with something. The incident was interpreted as follows:

  1. If the dish is broken on the eve of the New Year holidays, and the fragments scatter throughout the room, expect trouble.
  2. To break a transparent vessel – to quarrels and scandals. And opaque – on the contrary, to success in all endeavors.
  3. Eating from a broken or just cracked dish is considered wrong, since this can provoke a split in his future life.
  4. Keeping jagged cups or shards in the kitchen is also not good. According to popular beliefs, such a hostess casts grief and misfortune on her house.

If a person constantly broke dishes, they tried to bypass him. It was believed that what happened indicates bad thoughts and intentions.

4-piece plate

Wedding signs

The sign of a plate broken at a wedding was not always positive. Earlier, on the contrary, it was believed that if the elements of the service were accidentally broken during a feast, the newly-formed union would be short-lived.

A plate broken into 2 parts at a wedding feast can mean a change in the personal life of someone invited. Signs interpret this incident as follows:

  1. Long-term romantic relationship. The second half can be a person of the opposite sex, who is nearby at the time of accidentally breaking dishes.
  2. If a person panicked at the sound of a beating cymbal, serious changes await his life, and in a negative direction.

The groom must break the plate as a sign of the end of a free, bachelor life. In doing so, it is important to discard all fragments. Otherwise, superstitions promise the return of newlyweds to a celibate existence.

The bride is supposed to smash the dishes on the threshold of her new home. This promises a calm, measured life without quarrels and scandals.

broken plate

If the dishes accidentally burst by themselves

An independently broken saucer portends a different outcome of events:

  • Ailments, material difficulties and the like. A black streak will come in all areas.
  • Improving the situation in the family, because shards of broken dishes take away all the negative.

The omen does not work if the person slightly 'helps' the plate to break.

How to neutralize the effect of bad omens

Any interpretation will take recommends getting rid of the fragments as soon as possible. Moreover, they should first be wrapped in fabric and carefully packed away from prying eyes. It is important to collect all the pieces, since broken glass (porcelain or any other material) lying around in the corner usually does not bode well.

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