In ancient times, it was extremely important for a person to predict the weather in order to understand whether it is possible to go hunting, when to plant plants. For centuries, people have closely followed nature. Thus, there was an accumulation of knowledge about which plants predict the weather. And this wisdom was passed on from parents to children, and has come down to our days. Even forecasters would envy the weather predictions of our grandparents.
Herb weather predictors
Plants do not predict the weather as brightly as animals, when they hide an hour before a storm or worry before an earthquake. However, with proper observation, you can still notice the signs of plants.
- In the early morning, a plentiful amount of dew on the grass, which means that the day is waiting for an auspicious one. Dry – it will rain soon. And when the dew has formed in the evening, and remains until the morning – the weather will be sunny for a long time.
- Willow loosestrife (plakun-grass) and aloe-like teloperez (ordinary) secrete moisture before the coming rain.
- Boneberry straightens the leaves and covers the berries with them to protect from the weather.
Melilot folds leaves before a thunderstorm. - If the starfish does not straighten up after dawn, clouds and clouds can be expected.
Burdock softens in wet weather and ceases to be tenacious. But with the arrival of warmth and dryness, it opens the hooks and becomes stiff. - The fern folds the leaves in front of dry weather and, conversely, straightens them to rain.
A blossoming dandelion hides a yellow core and closes with a green rosette before bad weather. If you blow on a dandelion, you can see that the seeds are fixed and difficult to come off. Whereas in hot weather they fly away with ease. - Buttercup and field bindweed hide flowers when the weather turns bad.
- Celandine, clover and meadowsweet core lean closer to the ground, before rainy weather.
'Weeping' reeds – when it is covered with water droplets, it means that a storm is coming and a heavy downpour is coming. In the old days, hunters, seeing this sign, immediately rushed home or to shelter. - Sow thistle and sorrel are accurate predictors of the tone of the coming winter. If the former grows predominantly in the fields, then the winter is going to be severe and cold, if the latter is mild, with thaws.
It is possible to notice signs of the weather not only by the listed plants. In your personal garden you can find little helpers who can replace the weather station. There are other signs that a person discovered by observing animals.
The worms crawl out into the rain. There are many May beetles – there will be a hot summer. The nightly chirping of crickets predicts a clear day. Insects fly past the open flowers – towards clear weather. The dog lies in the snow – a blizzard is coming.
Man observed not only the 'living' world, but also various phenomena. The stuffiness portends rain. If the drifts begin to melt from the north side, then the summer will be long and warm, from the south – short and cold. High clouds mean good weather. The pale moon and stars – to the rain. Around the moon, a bright halo – to a strong wind.
Signs and superstitions based on observations of plants are varied and will help to predict the weather not only for the next day, but also for the next month, season, or even suspect a dry or cold year.
Flowers weather predictors
Flowers have always been appreciated by mankind not only for their beauty, but also for their clear signals. Some flowers hide their buds, while other plants begin to change position and snuggle to the ground.
- Roses close their buds tightly before rain.
- Flowers smell brightest before rain.
- Mallow hides colorful petals 1-2 days before bad weather.
- Daisies and blue snowdrop (blueberry, Scylla) close themselves in front of bad weather and lean to the ground to protect themselves from the wind.
- Calla (Calla) loves water, therefore, before the rain, its leaves straighten, and in dry weather they remain closed.
- The water lily hides deeper in the water, warning of an impending downpour. In addition, the opening of the lilies indicates the end of the frost.
- Mother-and-stepmother reports the strengthening of spring. As soon as yellow flowers cover the ground, as folk wisdom says: spring has settled, and does not intend to yield to winter anymore.
What trees and shrubs are natural barometers
Air temperature and humidity can be successfully assessed by plants.
- The oak creaks before the rain and the hurricane. Also, if the oak is covered with acorns, a harsh winter should be expected.
- Rosehip inflorescences do not open if bad weather is expected.
- Acacia and honeysuckle smell the brighter the closer the rain.
- Willow and stomach leaves are covered with droplets before bad weather.
- Ate branches stretch to the sun, descend before the rain and press against the trunk before the blizzard.
- If, in a downpour, a spruce raises its branches, it means that soon the rain will end and the clouds will disperse.
- Conifers actively release resin in the face of bad weather.
- Before thunderstorms and storms, pine trees emit a hum that can be heard by putting your ear to the tree.
- Popular signs about the weather are not limited to predicting only rain and frost.
- Plants also warn about what the coming season will be like.
- If autumn leaves fall rapidly, then you need to wait for hard frosts and a harsh winter soon. And if the leaf fall is delayed, then the winter will be good.
- An abundant amount of frost on the branches of trees, predicts a hot summer.
- When the branches of the trees bend from the weight of the snow, the spring will be rainy. In the old days, on this basis, it was determined that the year would be full with bountiful harvests.
- Late blooming mountain ash reports a clear and sunny autumn and an abundance of mushrooms. If there are a lot of berries, then expect showers and a harsh winter, but the summer will be pleasant.
- The more berries and mushrooms in the forest, the colder and snowier the winter will be. Beliefs say that this is how nature takes care of animals that need to survive long frosts.
- If oak blossoms before the ash in spring, the weather will be dry and without rain. If on the contrary, it will rain.
- The rowan gave white flowers, and the maple dismissed the leaves – which means the end of the morning frost.
In the field of forecasts, predictions and weather forecasting, birch is worth mentioning separately. Many signs are associated with this tree.
- If by autumn the foliage of the birch turns yellow from the bottom to the top of the tree, then one can expect that spring will be delayed.
- If the birch leaves do not fall and linger until 15-20 October, then winter will be too late to take the fast.
- If the birch foliage falls off immediately, then there will be a thaw in February.
- The more sap the birch gives in the spring, the rainier the summer will be.
- When birch trees bloom ahead of maple or alder, the following months will be dry. Otherwise, you can safely wait for many rainy days.
All these are just a small part of the signals of the plant world. There are countless signs both in the culture of our people and in any other. Many of the signs can be explained scientifically. Although, of course, there are also thousands of superstitions, which cannot be called anything other than nonsense. Nevertheless, thanks to this knowledge, our grandfathers, great-grandfathers and their ancestors survived.