Photo from open sources
UFOs most often appear in the sky (fall into lenses video cameras) in the form of some kind of aircraft, albeit not necessarily in the form of a classic “plate” or familiar already “dark triangles” and “huge cigars”, but still an object, clearly mechanical construction. However no no yes happen flying humanoids that cause witnesses to such an anomaly more astonishing than an “alien plane.”
Imagine how something reacted to the appearance in the air. similar residents of Auckland New Zealand who have observed such soaring individual over Browns Bay.
Of course, as the video comments on this mysterious UFO famous ufologist of this country Jeff Lions, the record is unique, even because it was not made from the earth by any layman with using a smartphone, and from a drone through a completely professional cameras. No doubt the material is genuine, not subjected to any editors, but to say with accuracy what the camera “saw” in the sky, it’s very difficult so far.
Jeff Lyons makes a few assumptions so far: this a drone, a balloon or some secret flying apparatus. There’s less chance that this is an alien apparatus, says ufologist, too strange object, as if an alien flies over a bay in a spacesuit (peculiar, of course). But … such cases nobody knows yet, and it seems that such a “handwriting” is not typical for aliens. So, most likely, this is something earthly …