A great UFO shot hit the Internet

An excellent UFO shot hit the Internet.Photos from open sources of

Coney Island Resident of Brooklyn succeeds shoot in the evening sky over the hometown disk-shaped unidentified flying object glowing in orange. By According to the student, the picture was taken back in June of this year, however an eyewitness of an amazing phenomenon only now realized that such materials are of great value to world ufologists, therefore, I shared this photo with the online community only on days.

The author says that he was walking with his friends on the bridge, when he noticed a mysterious object similar to whether for a flash of lightning, or for some strange reflection of light. The American hurried to get a camera out of his bag and make multiple frames in burst mode. Returning home, the young man forgot about this incident. He did not back up copy of photos, and all images except one on the actual the camera were lost when his laptop crashed. By According to an eyewitness, he is very sorry that other images of the unidentified the flying object was lost, but the good news lies in the fact that UFO imprinted in all its glory on the only remaining picture. Student reports that flying the plate moved quickly and was only a few in his field of vision seconds, however, as it seems, he was lucky to make a very a clear shot.

Many international experts who have familiarized themselves with photography, came to the conclusion that this is one of the highest quality images alien interplanetary ships. So, Danish ufologist Lom Rasmussen praised the photographic skills of the American and expressed the view that image was not edited. According to the expert, in the picture visible classic flying saucer from those that are residents of our planets have been observed since primitive times.

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