A group of unknowns fell into the lens of the ISS camera spaceships

A group of unknown spacecraft fell into the lens of the ISS cameraA photo from open sources

On the YuoTube channel, a user with the nickname MrMBB333 posted video footage shot by the ISS camera on March 17 of this year. It is clearly some space object or even a group is traced objects soaring in the orbit of our planet (watch the video).

Here’s what a UFO hunter writes when publishing this video:

In my opinion, these are alien ships, especially that as soon as the ISS began to approach these UFOs, they immediately have disappeared. Unfortunately, the video turned out to be of poor quality, that’s probably why NASA didn’t even interrupt the broadcast: supposedly, everything equally nothing is clear.

Despite this, the video still aroused the interest of those who interested in ufology. True, not all users agreed with by the author that these are certainly alien ships, some considered that clouds got into the lens of the ISS camera, for example, thunderstorms. True, this theory was immediately criticized, because, according to “experts”, no clouds at such a height cannot rise.

Other users believe that it could be terrestrial space ships or even the notorious Celestial orbital station, which is about to collapse to Earth. Finally, we found conspiracy theorists who suggested that the ISS camera took meteorological weapons controlling the weather on Earth, more that the International Space Station at that moment located just above the Indian Ocean, that is, almost above cyclone, which at that time was raging over Australia.

Famous ufologist Scott Waring believes that the ISS is constantly filming UFO, therefore MrMBB333 could very well catch the moment when the lens the cameras hit alien ships: for some reason, they disappeared (flew away), as soon as the station began to approach them, so do not Neither clouds, nor even climatic weapons lead. therefore Taiwanese paranormal researcher called on ufologists keep your ISS webcams under control – it’s great a way to track aliens and their ships.

UFO chases a passenger plane

We also offer you to watch an interesting video shot Unknown author in the USA. It shot the moment when it flies through the sky a passenger plane, followed by a UFO. Note that passengers mysterious flying objects are often removed by airliners, that “accompany” the planes, but take off the ground like this occurs, succeeds relatively rarely.

In the commentary on this video, the author clarifies that he himself the skeptic and does not believe in any UFOs and aliens. But he often observes military aircraft and helicopters, however an aircraft, what goes for a passenger plane, and then even overtakes it, nor what doesn’t look like. For this reason, the American posted the video in Internet: maybe someone will solve this mystery? ..

ISS Aircraft Scott Waring

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