A huge “flying saucer” captured near coast of australia

GreatA photo from open sources

Ufologists leading the popular YouTube channel “Section 51”, published an amazing video, they said, received in April of the current year near the Australian city of Broome on northwest coast of the mainland.

Mysterious movie demonstrates a huge disk-shaped object dark hovering over the ocean. The Flying Saucer has a pair not too bright lights and soars in the air completely still, without even breaking clouds around you.

Record viewed by over 35 thousand users only on YouTube video hosting, not to mention other specialized sites and forums, social networks and so on, but not all of Those who were interested in this material considered it to be true. According to many commentators, these frames look too good to be real. Unidentified flying objects often fall into the photo and video, but they are practically always imprinted not too clearly, as if the aliens do not want to to be seen or too well identified, like this apparently mocking technical capabilities earthlings.

Here, a huge “flying saucer” allegedly hovered right at all in sight, almost demonstratively. And with all that, only one an eyewitness, they say, managed to capture it on camera – all this is not very believable. Why there are no other pictures and clips with image of this aircraft?

Or maybe the aliens specially seemed to only one, wondering one of the users? No one was interested the author of this video has not yet been abducted aliens? ..


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