Photo from open sources
The video below was received on September 12th. 2018, however, it hit the Internet only now. Its author became a Chinese man named Ming Yang flying with his wife last fall from Argentina to the Netherlands.
Missing the plane, our hero looked out the window and in a certain moment noticed in the distance a strange “cloud” similar to smooth disk with a dark border. Eyewitness pointed to his find wife and took out a smartphone to capture what he saw on camera – not every time in flight you can meet such a miracle.
A photo from open sources
Many World Wide Web users browsing video, felt that it was a “flying saucer” representatives extraterrestrial civilization. Meanwhile, skeptics suggest that speech it’s just about a lenticular cloud. Salient features such clouds are their disk-like shape and the fact that they are not move from place even with strong winds.
By the way, Ming Yang didn’t post videos to the Network for a long time the reason that he doubted whether it was of interest, but friends convinced it is that the UFO was captured on the video after all – let them say experts will understand this.
And what do you think this is? ..