A photo from open sources
Independent researchers and especially ufologists constantly monitor Antarctica through various map servers. And this is understandable: this continent was and remains the most unknown and mysterious. But no less unknown to us (especially since it significantly exceeds that Antarctica in all respects), another object of study – world Ocean.
A photo from open sources
It is here that the urologist Frederick the other day (again using Google Earth map server) discovered something strange: obviously man-made structures appeared at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. This is something like a submarine bridge, and a giant one (according to estimates of the researcher, he is almost 40 kilometers long). Besides In addition, it seems that Frederick writes that under this bridge there is some kind of input.
A photo from open sources
Underwater routes connected to this bridge lead to a mysterious horseshoe-shaped structure, which is again huge (approximately 250 to 140 kilometers). And all the paths are lines in this The structure is surprisingly the same size.
A photo from open sources
The ufologist makes the assumption that in the cartographic images Server captured underwater alien base. Nature in his opinion, simply cannot create such correct geometric forms.
The coordinates of the base itself are 42 ° 25’28.66 “S 0 ° 27’1.34” W Mysterious bridge coordinates – 43 ° 47’18.02 “S 1 ° 9’6.08” W Horseshoe-shaped coordinates – 51 ° 56’5.50 “S 5 ° 33’2.62” W
A photo from open sources
Note that at the bottom of the oceans, independent researchers with using map servers is not the first time they find something similar, which may well prove the presence of aliens here structures hidden from humanity by the thickness of the water and inaccessibility for us because of the imperfection of the technologies of terrestrial civilization. For her, the underwater world remains a mystery behind seven seals, because we we know almost nothing that is going on in its depths …
Antarctica Bridges