A huge plasma appeared over the mountain peak ball

A huge plasma ball appeared above the mountain peakA photo from open sources

This extraordinary event recently happened in Slovakia, when a huge UFO in the form of a plasma ball hovered over one of the most the majestic peaks of the High Tatras – Slavkovsky Shtit.

It was already late evening, it was dark outside, so it was bright white the ball over the mountain was simply hard not to notice, especially since appearing, he lit up the whole district, like a bright moon. Mysterious, and even an undoubtedly frightening UFO for some time hung over most top, then began to move to the right and suddenly … disappeared, like this and usually happens with aircraft of extraterrestrial origin, which instantly leave, as the researchers suggest, in parallel measurement or aliens include a shield “invisibility.”

Authoritative on the web ufologist Scott Waring noted that such UFOs often appear over the peaks or even over the vents of volcanoes, then there is where a person can not disturb them in any way (or they him). Either their bases there, or portals through which aliens (aliens) penetrate our world. I myself, Scott writes, took the same plasma ball in Taiwan in 2013 – right from your window apartments. And a week earlier this object was seen in China.

It is entirely possible that this is the same plasmoid ship that easily moves all over our planet, but it is possible that there are several similar UFOs. In any case, they are seen periodically. AND every time they make an indelible impression on earthlings, even to experienced ufologists like Scott, not to mention ordinary residents of Slovakia who were simply fascinated and scared at the same time.

Scott Waring

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