A photo from open sources
Most often we witness small unidentified aircraft, the size of which is not more than a point. Such A large number of videos on the web.
However, this case is completely different. Ufologists are very interested footage shot by South Korean residents. The video succeeded capture not just points, but a huge luminous object.
Two men residing in Daegu walking along the territory of the parking lot, when looking up, they noticed in the sky mysterious luminous object. According to them, the UFO was just huge and the captured video is not able to fully convey its scale.
Witnesses of the anomalous phenomenon were very frightened hovering in the sky an object that was not even going to hide from other people’s eyes, like this usually occurs in such cases. Object as if intended attracted attention.
It is possible, according to ufologists, that the UFO intended to enter contact with the inhabitants of the city, but something stopped him. And some residents felt that the facility intentionally scared people to eat their energy.
Andrey Vetrov