A huge underwater entrance was discovered off the coast of Malibu, California at Point Dume, a place that UFO / NMO researchers called the “Holy Grail”, and which they have been looking for, for the last 40 years, writes WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORG.
Plateau structure 1.35 miles x 2.45 miles wide, 6.66 miles from the surface of the earth. The entrance is between the pillars wide 2745 feet and 630 feet in height. It also has what it looks like. as a defense against a nuclear bomb, which proves a ceiling thickness of 500 ft. The discovery was made by Maxwell, Dale Romero and Jimmy Church, leading Dark Matter radio network.
A photo from open sources
The underwater base has been a secret for many years. Here in hundreds UFO and Unknown water bodies were observed, a lot was done photos … but the entrance to the base has not been found so far.
Entrance involves the possibility of passage of nuclear submarines. Mass UFO / IEE activity and the ability to access various military facilities that are inside the US, such as naval base in China Lake, which is located in the center Mojave Desert and Naval Underwater Military Center in Hawthorne, N.V. between Las Vegas and Renault. In the photos you can see him location in relation to the coastline, los angeles and its natural surroundings that do not coincide with the structure itself due to its huge size.
The pillars at the entrance are more than 600 feet in height. Malibu California, known worldwide for its beauty and habitat rich and famous. Few people know that this is also a favorite place for a UFO.
A photo from open sources
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s there were recorded numerous UFO sightings that went into the water at large speed. And in the early 1970s, people gathered in families on the beach at Point Dume at night to watch colorful UFOs which sank from time to time into the water, as well as exited her.
Images above from Google Earth.
Water Time