A ray of light tracks wild animals

A ray of light tracks wild animalsPhotos from open sources of

The other day in the United States Texas Meridian town America one of the researchers of nature looked through materials forest camera with night vision and suddenly discovered several photos that literally shocked him.

The deer was captured in the pictures, but this did not surprise the scientist, because the forest camera is set to watch for animals. It was strange that the animal was lit bright light from above. Moreover, the light itself was somehow unusual, but the main thing – where did he come from here? And even when the deer escaped, a ray of light kept for some time. It was surprising that this ray “stood still” as if fixed. Even assuming if a helicopter let him out of the sky, then in this case the light would still “swam”. Then, as the American writes, why should any helicopter hanging over his forest camera at night – pictures were taken about three in the morning.

A photo from open sources

Of course, the researcher suggests, in his photo trap he could turn out to be some kind of defect however why it repeats itself and then disappearing? The fact is that he fixes this on this camera second time. However, last year the American didn’t ray of particular importance, thinking specifically about the defect of the camera, even I wanted to give the device for repair. But the camera was no longer buggy, and he rejected this idea, and soon forgot completely about what had happened. AND suddenly everything repeated again …

As ufologists suggest, the beam most likely came from a ship aliens who constantly study terrestrial animals, stealing them for their experiences. Perhaps the camera just prevented them catch your next victim. According to UFO researchers, aliens can easily determine when they are being removed, even without difficulty erase recordings or ruin equipment.

In this case, they apparently decided that their presence, fixed on the camera is a trifle, and did not spoil apparatus. But they refused to catch a deer in front of the camera. It seems that they did it a little later, so the deer was simply doomed – from aliens, even humans rarely manage to escape.

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