A sign will tell you what happens if you leave the knife on the table

They left a knife on the table – a sign promises trouble. This popular belief is already more than one hundred years old, and it appeared in ancient times. Then a person's dwelling was not protected by a door, and therefore sharp objects were usually hidden. Indeed, when the owners were sleeping, an outsider could enter the house and use the knife for his own purposes.

And to this day, this object of household utensils, left on the table, is associated with a sign of not the most favorable events.

knife on the table omen

Sign value

There are several superstitions that can explain why you should hide a knife at night, and not leave it on the table. Some signs promise dirty tricks on the part of the brownie, others quarrels in the family; in any case, they have a negative meaning.

People say that the patron of the house, who ensures the normal life of the family, gets very angry when someone from the household leaves a sharp object unattended. And despite the fact that the mythological owner is generally considered a benevolent creature, he may well use a thrown knife against unscrupulous residents.

When the brownie gets angry, the owners may hear strange sounds at night or notice how various things and objects are missing.

  • If someone leaves a knife crossed with a fork on the table, then, by mistake, this is a harbinger of a major scandal. Children especially often quarrel and fight in such families.
  • According to folklore, if the owner has not removed the sharp objects of household utensils in place, the next morning he will suffer from cuts in the stomach. Sometimes more serious diseases come into the house, from which all households can suffer.
  • Dirty knives left in a visible place often cause sleep disturbances. In this case, after a difficult night, there is usually a loss of strength and general weakness.
  • They put the knife in a prominent place and forgot it until morning – wait for the uninvited guest. This person will bring negative energy into your home, which will affect family relationships.
  • Leaving a knife upside down on the table is a very bad sign. Representatives of the older generation are convinced that this promises big trouble: a hostile atmosphere, a serious scandal that may end in assault.
  • If you regularly leave sharp objects unwashed until early morning, then after a while you risk losing income. Business in the financial sector will decline, you will acquire a lot of debt, and stocks will noticeably become scarce. In addition to large financial losses, it is also possible to meet with robbers.

The knives must be handled correctly. Cutting objects instantly absorb the negative and later return it to their owners with a vengeance. For this reason, you should not throw knives carelessly and get angry at the same time.

Particularly dangerous are the phrases that you utter in a fit of anger: 'waste it all,', 'to hell,' etc. Soon they will begin to come true, and the owners wonder why suddenly trouble came to the house, because the knife is not was left on the table overnight.

Signs for women

  • If a woman butchered meat in the evening and did not bother to wash the knife from blood, then this may portend the loss of a male blood relative.
  • For a young hostess, leaving a knife on the table is a difficult relationship with the mother-in-law. She will constantly interfere in the family affairs of a young married couple, which is why large and frequent quarrels are inevitable.
  • A sharp object lay in the wrong place until the morning – for a forgetful girl, this will cause bad, heavy dreams or insomnia.

Signs for men

  • It is also not recommended for a young owner to leave a dirty knife on the table – signs promise a scandal with his wife's parents.
  • If a bachelor regularly forgets to wash a sharp object, he risks linking his life with a mercantile woman who will be constantly unhappy with everything.
  • A dirty knife thrown on the table by a man until morning brings financial difficulties with it. Serious losses are possible, up to and including loss of business.
  • A sharp household item with a dirty blade, left out of place by its owner overnight, is a magnet for negative energy.

Try not to leave unwashed knives on the table, as signs in this case do not bode well. Keep the kitchen clean and always put everything in its place – in this case, the brownie will definitely protect your home from negativity.

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