A silhouette of a humanoid was discovered on the moon

A photo from open sources

Inquisitive Google Satellite Map Researchers Find On the surface of the moon is something resembling an alien silhouette. The corresponding YouTube video in less than two weeks gained more than 700 thousand views. The strange image resembles standing humanoid, reports Mirror.

A photo from open sources

A video featuring an “alien looking into the distance” has been posted YouTube user with the nickname wowforreeel. “I think I managed capture life on the moon, “wrote the author of the video on which the coordinates of a strange object located on Earth satellite surface.

Video hosting users put forward a wide variety of versions of what exactly the author of the video managed to fix. Most commentators express their support to the user wowforreeel and thank him for the video.

Some, however, note that the length of the shadow standing on the moon The “humanoid” actually exceeds several hundred meters. “It either a space version of the snowman, or a giant construction. Perhaps a stone, “one commentator noted.


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