A photo from open sources
As previously reported, some time ago on the Internet began a discussion of images discovered by NASA’s archive filming moment of the comet ISON. The dimensions of the object are such that again those who expect the arrival of the mythical Nibiru, or Planet X, or Hercolubus. Other users were inclined to think that this is a technical defect, manifested in the image. Still others are just lost in conjecture. Similar images did not really appear before. We see designations of Mercury, the Earth, to the right is the Sun. But what are we see on the left? – Internet users are wondering. December 7th one of the users on YouTube posted a new thread with an image strange object. The commentator notes that “the object reflects” streams of solar plasma resulting from emissions. A colossal sized object reappears in NASA images December 5, 2013 so far no official comments from these No images have been received.