A UFO disguised as a cloud was captured in Of England

A masked UFO cloud captured in EnglandPhoto from open sources

The image above is not the result of photomontage or a shot from a science fiction film, but a very real shot, received June 18 this year in an English resort town Harrogate, North Yorkshire. Dozens of locals unexpectedly witnessed the appearance of a huge object, which at a glance could be confused with the cloud.

Many townspeople probably did just that, however attentive observers immediately realized that something strange appeared in the sky. If this is not an accident (a joke of nature), then such a cloud is clearly reasonable (read about this phenomenon in more detail in the article here).

A lot of ufologists who got acquainted with a mysterious shot on the Web, They also considered that this is not a cloud in front of us. Researchers aliens say it’s about disguising itself as heavenly water condensate “flying saucer”, and lead several arguments in favor of his theory:

  • firstly, the alleged alien aircraft has perfectly flat disc-shaped form, which is excluded in real clouds;
  • secondly, the lower part of the UFO shows a very clear shadow, from which we can conclude that this is actually a solid one-piece an object;
  • finally, eyewitnesses all as one claim that the “cloud” in ultimately did not dissolve in the sky, did not “blur” into something shapeless, as expected by many, and swam away with lightning speed away.

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