A photo from open sources
In the vast well-known video hosting “YouTube” appeared a mysterious video made back in the 50s of the last century and depicting, presumably, the flight of a real “flying plates of “aliens.
By turning on the video below, you can see a certain test site on which old planes are circling and unidentified flying object “torn” as if from sci-fi movie. Ufologists “dug” this material in some secret archive and posted on the Internet, as one of the first documentary evidence of the existence of ships aliens.
A photo from open sources
Most likely, the author of this amazing video is popular Swiss explorer Billy Mayer. Official science still considers him a charlatan, but the ufologist himself claims that from the age of five is in contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. In support of his words, the specialist provided dozens of photos and videos with “flying saucers” aliens. According to Mayer, the Nordic interact with him. the Pleiadian aliens who fly to our planet from measurement located 80 light years from diffuse star cluster Seven Sisters.
A photo from open sources
Colleagues of the now 80-year-old guru of ufology say that The video below is incredibly rare and valuable. A the thing is that at the end of the roll is a plate-shaped aircraft “green men” suddenly goes, “repenting,” in plasma state. Even the most experienced and experienced species UFO researchers recognize that this can be seen very rarely and especially capture on film. According to reputable ufologists, transition to the state of ionized gas allows interstellar alien ships reach superluminal speeds and move to other dimensions and spaces. On the other hand, this entry is a good confirmation of the presence aliens on our planet since the fifties of the past centuries of such technology the earthlings certainly did not and could not to be…