A village where they do not bury anyone and give birth, but also where animals are absent

A village where no one is buried and does not give birth, and also where there are no animalsA photo from open sources

In the unique village of Mafi Dov, which is located in the south of Ghana in West Africa, about five thousand people live, but no one of them was not born here and most likely will not be buried on native land. From time immemorial in the village there is a belief that local residents are required to strictly follow the three rules so as not to be angry of the gods.

The first rule is not to have children in the village. By this reason women in late pregnancy are forced to go to neighboring settlements in order to resolve from burden there. Elders strictly ensure that expectant mothers Mafi-Dov left when the time of birth was approaching. Villagers repeatedly tried to beat out the right to give birth here, however the patriarchs were adamant. However, they agreed to build in the foreseeable future a maternity hospital at the very edge of the village to women gave birth to children as close to home as possible, but … again outside of Mafi Dov.

The second rule is not to bury the dead in Mafi-Dov. It is believed that the gods do not want to see here as the birth of people, so and their burial. In the village you will not find any cemeteries. When one of the locals dies, his body to be buried on a graveyard in one of the surrounding villages. Of course, the neighbors require a certain fee (as well as provision of their maternity hospitals), therefore such archaic taboos year after year fly villagers a pretty penny. Mafi-Dov is not rich settlement, and all these taboos, especially the last ban, alas, also contributes to this.

The third rule is to keep animals out of the village and feathered. This means cattle breeding and Mafi-Dov residents are not allowed to poultry, which is why they forced to purchase meat in other places. In addition, the villagers, Of course, they cannot contain pets. Residents constantly they scare away wild birds and animals so that they do not enter the territory villages. As you might guess, some animals are from time still make their way here. At the sight of such “guests” the elders always carry out a special ritual asking celestials to have mercy on unreasonable creatures and not punish anyone for this is.

The appearance of such strange taboos is associated with a hunter named Toge Gbevofia Akiti, who once founded this settlement. According to legend, when he first stepped on this earth, he heard a voice with heaven, who promised the African and his family a peaceful life at subject to the above conditions.


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